Lush Greens

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Another one from Sandringham yesterday evening - rain has its advantages even if juggling a camera under an umbrella can be a pain.

Oh for a decent evening for vistas like this - pouring rain didn't deter me but I think I was about the only fool with my camera in action.
I suppose I could cheat and warm it up and insert a blue sky but part of the memory is the feel of rain down your neck!
you could do that with a sky but for me, the image looks so very much better with the white miserable sky simply cropped out! Both look good but I am talking about the second one. Also they both look as if you have over sharpened them, too many harsh edges, Canon photos are already sharp straight from the camera Phil and don't always need extra sharpening.....hope I'm not stepping over the line here, you can come round for a coffee anytime and tell me to shut up! ;)
Yep -definitely over-sharpened FM. :cautious: Where is that garden in the second shot? Beautiful place and it looks familiar..... very Capability Brown too.

Doh! just saw it's Sandringham.
Second one is deffo spoilt by over-sharpening. Almost looks like its been snowing.
Used "sharpen and save for web" for speed - difficult to get balance as told off in the past for not sharpening enough.

Come on folks - what is the consensus on the best method for reducing size and posting images. I find "save for web" desaturates.
GfK said:
Second one is deffo spoilt by over-sharpening. Almost looks like its been snowing.

No just a cloudburst!!!!

Yes oversharpened
You can tell when something has been oversharpened as you start to see a white halo around everything. Always click preview on & off when sharpening, to see effect on full image.

Re saving image, saving for web is the most efficient method out. Note you have 200K to play with if hosting elsewhere. I often find photo's like yours above, with lots of fin detail compress badly, so therefore like you have experienced they desaturate. I usually crop image smaller rather than lose too much detail.

Finally make sure your image has the profile of SRGB before saving for web....... I saved mine as just RGB for ages & wondered why they looked different on the web.

Hope that helps
Thanks for info - will give it a go.
the tpf actions seem to be pretty consistantly good for sharpening for web use :)

nice shots, looks like a great place.
i like gardens to walk round, a sure sign that im getting old