[M43] G3. Coming from a Pentax P&S. Thoughts...

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Hi All,

I'm expecting to take delivery of a Lumix G3 in the next week or so - exciting times!

Now for the past 6 (!!) or so years I've only been using a Pentax Option S5n. You'll see from the specs that in todays market it would be considered a toy, however when I purchased it at £280 upon launch, it really wasn't thaaat bad!

So the G3 will undoubtedly blow my current P&S out of the water, in terms of IQ and control. Great.

One concern I have however is whether I'll miss anything from a traditional P&S once I have my G3. I think ultimately I see myself using the G3 with the 20mm F1.7 pancake - but unfortunately this lens is not being offered with a G3 it seems. Now because this is a prime lens, I'm worried I'll miss the zoom aspect I'm currently used to. Granted the G3 will arrive with the 14-42 zoom lens but its the size of this lens that puts me off slightly, am really looking to keep size down [before anyone suggests the GF1/GF2/GF3, I really want the articulated LCD that the G3 offers!]

Any other P&S --> M43 converters out there that miss a feature?
Anyone missing zoom?

You'll be able to conclude from my question that I'm just looking to start out in M43 but I guess we all have to start somewhere..! I'm hoping others have made a similar move.

Input most appreciated.
The 14-42 is quite small and light, not as small as the 20mm but still not big enough to cause any issue. I used to prefer the 20mm, but while I was travelling I found the kit zoom to be far more versatile and now use it more than any other lens.

The 20mm is a great lens though, and I don't really miss the zoom, I do sometimes miss the width of the 14-45 though. Depends on what you're doing I suppose.

I generally only use my 14-45 or the 20mm, the whole kit is so small carrying the 20mm as an extra isn't a problem.
Thanks for the reply, it's good to hear that you rate the 14-42mm.

I'm sure it's a capable lens, and will fit my needs just fine. However its simply the size that really puts me off [I'm expecting delivery of it within a week so will know for sure soon enough] - granted its not a massive lens but compared to your regular P&S, its big!

I can only see myself carrying one lens around, too. With the 14-42mm probably being too big for my liking, I'm looking at the 20mm. Hence my predicament in potentially having to sell the 14-42mm for the 20mm. But also wondering if I'll miss the zoom!