[M43] How important is Image Stabilization to you?

Yes I understand you can shoot at 1/60 or 1/30 without camera shake but if the subject of the photo is moving you will, or could, still get motion blur of the subject. The subject of the photo does not slow down because you are using VR.

Yes but that isnt the point of vr. The ideal example is a wedding. In a low lit church
Yes but that isnt the point of vr. The ideal example is a wedding. In a low lit church
But if you have a slow shutter speed and the bride moves she will be blurred. I still think if your shutter speed is fast enough to avoid motion blur of the subject it will likely be fast enough to avoid camera shake. Unless you are using a particularly long lens of course.
There are too many variables to say exactly "when" VR is going to help (i.e. FL/Pixel size/ISO capability/etc.). I see VR as a makeshift tripod, and there are certainly times where I'd rather not be carrying/setting up a tripod. And there are even times where a tripod is not going to work. But IMO, no-one actually "needs" VR/IS/OS.
There is no downside to having IS and it can be a god-send on long lenses but for normals or wides I'd prefer an extra stop of light instead. For example I'd rather have a 35mm f/1.4 than the new Canon 35mm f/2 IS - if I'm shooting slower than 1/30th then I'm far more likely to run in to problems with subject motion than camera shake.

I believe the main reason it's such a big deal these days though is video work. It makes a big difference for handheld video regardless of the length of lens you are using.
Ah, surely it's horses for courses. I'm a doddery old sod and for wildlife photos, whilst surveying for BTO, I find it invaluble on my 55-200mm. I don't need it on a smaller lens.
To re-iterate my previous post, I wasn't meaning to be facetious. I just never heard a murmur from my 55-200 with the VR(IS) turned on.(y)
Hand held it all depends on how steady one can hold a camera, I find the heavier the camera and lens the less camera shake I get. Image Stablisation is nice to have even if you don't need it every time, bit like not having a spare battery, without it you can miss shots.
You might as well say why have a spare car tyre? you may never use it, but its there incase you do
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I find IS to be very handy on my 28-135mm when I'm doing walkabout stuff. It gives you that bit of extra flexibility, especially when shooting moving water; getting an image that's sharp at 1/20th or even 1/15th of a second, with some nice movement in the water, is great :)
I use it a lot on my Sigma 105mm Macro lens, when shooting hand held insects etc- don't use it on any other lens I own

Les ;)