Mac Book Pro - Yes or No?

Really? And what processor do you get in a macbook pro that you don't get in a PC laptop? They run the same these days (or can).

I had an old iBook G4, 1.2 Ghz PPC processor, 1.2 Gb RAM, when run against the other halves windows laptop (2 Ghz, 2 Gb RAM) photoshop uploaded up quicker and rendered image changes quicker.....

My macbook pro is 2.4 Ghz, 4 Gb RAM, compared to my uncles (same spec windows lappy), I started up, logged onto TP, and opened CS5 (TP & CS5 opened simultaneously) by the time he started up....

That's what I'm basing my opinion on
Are they back in the store? They were not there when I looked earlier in the month. can you get the dual core one for £300? You have to compare similar specs, they are both PCs after all! ;)
No, you're right - perhaps they didn't sell that well ;) I blame those stupid PC naming conventions. You can get refurb'd dual cores on e-bay for £300-£350 though.

You can get a dual core AMD Dell Inspiron with 11" screens at £500 inc 4G memory/win 7 64bit (direct from Dell). No idea how they compare performance wise to the processors in the Apple (nor do I have time to search around for equivalences ;)).

Bottom line is that I think you can get more for your money processor wise in a PC package. It's unlikely to be as sexy though - I don't think anyone can complain about the Apple laptop looks (I don't like the iMacs though) just similar performance can be had for less elsewhere - it just might not come in as nice looking a case.
I honestly can't believe some of the posts I am reading in this thread, particularly on page 1. Utter pap from both sides of the argument - it's the reason these kinds of threads get locked.

The only person that can make this decision is the OP. Go into the town, find computer shops, and play.
All i can say is you must buy your gear in Harrods or Fortnum and Masons

Nah, spec the 17" macbook pro, 8 Gb ram, non glare screen, 500Gb 7200 rpm drive and fast i7 cpu and it's over £2600. That's what I'd be looking at to replace my desktop and laptop. If I wanted to 'dock' it then I'd have to buy Apples 27" monitor at another £900, a keyboard and mouse at 50-60 each for the wireless.

As I said, really nice stuff, but very expensive.
Nah, spec the 17" macbook pro, 8 Gb ram, non glare screen, 500Gb 7200 rpm drive and fast i7 cpu and it's over £2600. That's what I'd be looking at to replace my desktop and laptop. If I wanted to 'dock' it then I'd have to buy Apples 27" monitor at another £900, a keyboard and mouse at 50-60 each for the wireless.

As I said, really nice stuff, but very expensive.
But you dont need to buy it from Apple