Mac Image Size Question

Phil Tufnell
Edit My Images
Hi All - I'm hoping one of you Mac experts might be able to help me?
I've just upgraded to the new iMac (looveley it is too), but having copied all of my old images from the G4 onto a Maxtor drive, when I come to open the images on the iMac, they have all shrunk in size to about 50kb.
I am assuming that these are some kind of indexing thumbnail created by iPhoto, but if I copied all the originals onto the Maxtor, why can't I find them again?!?!?
It's not fatal in that all the originals are still on the G4 hard disk, but it took about 16 hours to copy across last time so I'd rather avoid another overnight transfer if there's some simple explanation?
Any advice or guidance would be most appreciated.
Many thanks
You've copied the thumbs. You will have to find the originals manually and re-copy them to your new system.

How did you copy them? That sounds really really quite odd. I'm not sure why they would shrink from simply copying the images with Finder. iPhoto should have nothing to do with that.
Oh poo - i think you're right KB. I probably selected the thumbnails without checking the file size. Pete - I understand iPhoto actually creates duplicates & it's them that I must have copied by mistake. Another tedious session ahead methinks. Thanks to you both.
Oh poo - i think you're right KB. I probably selected the thumbnails without checking the file size. Pete - I understand iPhoto actually creates duplicates & it's them that I must have copied by mistake. Another tedious session ahead methinks. Thanks to you both.

Spot on.