macos file delete question please.

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Every now and then I forget to format my SD card and then find 2 days of files loaded into Finder the following day!
I know how to easily delete using Command A but it's annoying having to delete or remove multiple files individually.
There must be a way that I can simultaneously delete part of a consecutive list of files (as I could in Windows) but I haven't found it yet.
Anyone help please? :)
Display as a folder as a list in the Finder in the sort order you want/need

Shift click (click the first file, then scroll as needed, hold down shift on on the keyboard and click the second file) to select multiple files between two points in the list.

Command click to select non contiguous files in the list

Command backspace to move the selected files to the trash
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Great, thank you.
I was trying to do that when displayed as icons but works fine in List. (y)
In icon view - you can mouse drag around the items to select them, then command click n drag around another set of icons to add to the already selected items, and/or command click on an already selected icon to deselect it/them.
In icon view - you can mouse drag around the items to select them, then command click n drag around another set of icons to add to the already selected items, and/or command click on an already selected icon to deselect it/them.
Another useful way, thank you. :)