Macro Bubbles Second Attempt!



This time I didnt use flash and went with a desk lamp and some colour...

Would some thought/criticism/critique etc!



I like the 2nd one, looks almost metallic. It also looks a bit more in focus than the others.

I would be tempted to clone out some of the specks from within the bubbles myself, but I like them. (y)
A big (y) from me, nice to see some abstract stuff popping up again.. One trick to use is use a very narrow DOF so the top layer of bubbles are in focus and the background lot are OOF as is the background but you still get the funky colours. My favourite setup is still the white card an inch or two behind, flash bounced off it to provide a strong backlight and food colour added to the foam ;)
Thanks Jules! :D

Yep I prefer no 2 also Jim. To be honest I couldn't be bothered to clone out all the blobs. There was a big'un I got rid of and once I have perfected it I will spend a bit more time on them!

Carl, cheers for the advice. I should have learnt when doing the oil on water shots that narrow DOF makes a world of difference! I still love doing the abstract stuff and often point people in your direction when looking for inspiration!