Macro Innovation!

Peter Randall
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Last year whilst I was on holiday I dropped my camera breaking the stock lens, the mount pulled away from the barrel breaking the focus and aperture connections and the hoya filter glass was smashed, fortunately the actual lens elements were still in OK!
Reading various threads on other forums it said that you can reverse mount a lens to get macro shots, being a tight old bugger I thought that there must be a way to utilise my broken lens!

I used the body cap that fits on the camera when you have no lens mounted, drilled a hole in it and stuck the Hoya filter ring directly to it with epoxy glue.

One problem is, the lens is wide open so I have a very small DOF unless I can focus stack!

Having a lot of fun with my cheapskate gear, not up to the excellence of a dedicated macro lens but worth a punt!

Best viewed large, just click photo for larger rendition!

C&C most welcome!
Well it's got you alot closer.

DOF is very small must only be millimeters. Good photo's.
Nice shots. I love the wasp.

Is there no way you could stop the lens down mechanically or electrically?

Could you explain your flash setup as well please?
This could be done again very easily without having to destroy your lens. Just need a cheapo filter (£3 from 7dayshop) and a spare body cap (50p ebay).
Then, as you said, drill out the body cap, glue the filter onto the body cap, and hey presto! a macro adaptor for any lens with that filter thread!
Nice shots. I love the wasp.

Is there no way you could stop the lens down mechanically or electrically?

Could you explain your flash setup as well please?

Ha-Ha yes it’s just a 2 Litre Cravendale plastic milk bottle cut down to fit over my 580 Speedlite with a hole in the bottom corner to deflect the light down onto the subject!

I told you I was a tight old git! Lol
Oh bugger. We get our milk in glass bottles :(
I like the milk carton adaption, although I'm not sure I'd want to be seen in public with it :LOL:. Do you find it makes a lot of difference and is there a 45 degree mirror in the corner?
excellent shots. But this place if for crit so i'm going to say the first two are slightly over exposed for my tastes.