Macro Lens

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I have a Nikon D40 and was wondering what Macro lenses are available I love the shots that are of bee's, fly's, and really close in shots so was wondering what is best for stuff like this?

If anybody can point in me in the right direction could be nice.

btw I am not rich so be nice with your recommendations!
To be honest i wouldn't bother with those filters - The only filter I've ever seen produce good results are the Raynox ones.
Well, i got some just to mess about with, they are the bottom of the pile if your serious about macro stuff.

But i was quite pleased with the first shot i took with one on, even if it was hand held...

For the newbies out there: Close up lenses or macro filters enable your lens to focus at closer distances than normal. They DO NOT increase the focal length i.e. they don't give you extra zoom power. They are actually quite good and the quality can be decent if used correctly. Close up lenses enable you to get a much tighter shot of an object but they only do this by letting you get physically closer to the object whilst still being able to maintain focus.

So, if you've been trying to get a close up shot of a bee and it appears as a small dot on your image, a close up lens will let you get a much closer shot of the bee but you will have to be standing much closer to the bee to get the shot in the first place. This is fine for static subjects like flowers and coins etc but for nervous insects it is a different matter.

A macro lens does the same thing so don't think replacing your 18-55mm lens with a 60mm macro lens will be any different to using close up lenses. The quality will be better but you'll still be standing closer to the bee. The only way to get close up shots of insects without standing over the top of them is to combine extra focal length AND macro capability e.g. buy a longer macro lens (200mm macro for example) or buy a longer normal lens (eg 50-200mm) and use close up lenses on it.
Well for macro, I have a Nikon 55mm AIS lens, which is a manual focus lens, but very crisp and sharp. The sigma 105mm macro is also very good, I have only just recently got this, but still very nice.