Macro Lighting

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Hi Guys, hope you are all well and, happy new year.

I'm about to embark on some Macro photography (owing to a friend lending me the 100mm f2.8 L with MR-14EX flash.

Now, I have a 5D Mark II camera body and a 430 EX ii flash at home. My main concern with the MR-14EX flash is that the results will likely be a little flat given that it sits at the end of the lens.

Does anyone have any recommendations on how to go about using this set up to achieve the best results? What i'll be taking pictures of, I have no idea as yet but id like to get a general feel for Macro lighting (ie side lighting, emphasising texture etc).

Can I use the 420EXii as a slave flash unit to the MR-14EX?

Some general advice/set up guidance would really be appreciated.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read.

Well good luck with avoiding flat lighting! The MR-14EX is not the easiest flash to be creative with, but you can try messing with ratios. I'd use your 420EXii on a ETTL cord to give more dramatic lighting. If you've haven't got a cord you could use it in slave mode with the MR-EX14 as the master. You could use the ring light for fill and the 430EXII as the main light.

It largely depends on what you are going to shoot,if insects flat light is unlikely because the many angles of the insects body and the way the light hits it,natural shadows are caused by legs,antenna etc and the highlights usually form on the insects body nearest to the light source.This is amplified by the extremely short DOF and extreme light fall off if the exposure is all flash and no ambient.This house spider shot is an example of this.I use an MT-24EX twin light but have it set up with a home made diffuser sheet to provide flat even light.

flic1610 by michaelkilner, on Flickr
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