Macron and bird killing...

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In France hunters/trappers of birds have demonstrated against a State Council ( equivalent High Court) ruling on overturning exemptions on grounds of tradition..(the usual culprit).The hunting is in breach of EU law with some provisos which don't apply. The demonstrations have alarmed the governemt.

Next year the government goes to the polls and whilst Macron has the backing of the wealthy urban elite he doesn't have the anything like the same backing from rural voters. He doesn't want to anger the powerful hunting lobby so he's ordered civil servants to re-write the decrees by the State Council.

It's estimated that there are 5 million hunters/.trappers with a million who do it regularly.The exemptions allowed officials to grant permits to kill approximately 115,000 birds. a year.

What an ironic statement from the National Hunters Federation when it said that its members were "facing systematic persecution by Paris and Brussels" Nothing compared to the systematic persecution of birds that their members carry out.

What it's all about..grim stats.

I'm not sure if the government is trying to overturn this ban too...
Happens all over John , Lebanon being one of the worst offenders ,and we all know stories from Malta .. our gun laws are a light in the darkness compared to Europe , I was in Poland a few years ago saw some decent camo clothing hanging up outside a shop thought I would go and have a nosey it was a bloody armoury even selling what I assume were sub machine guns