Magazine recommendations

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I searched for this topic as I'd be surprised if this is the first time this has been asked but couldn't find what I was looking for.

As a relative new comer to the rather large world of photography I'm unfamiliar with all the different monthly magazines and their various merits. I don't really wish to buy all of them to find out what I like best so just after some recommendations if you could oblige.

Ideally would be DSLR biased, aimed at the amateur/newcomer.
Not a monthgly but meets your other specs - Amateur Photographer. Repeats less than the monthlies and has plenty of reviews of kit, photographs and photographers as well as features on classic cameras. Some people don't like the quantity of adverts but I spend loads of time perusing them, spending money I haven't got!

IMO, Photography Monthly and Practical Photography repeat themselves every 12 months or so (tutorials on assorted techniques) and their reviews aren't as insightful.

Really, the best way to see which you like best is to buy a handful and see which appeal most to you. Yes, you could read them in Smiths, but they now have signs on the shelf asking readers not to do so unless they plan to buy.
I've looked at a few and think Practical Photgraphy is very good, has some good deals on to and a monthly course
I've looked at a few and think Practical Photgraphy is very good, has some good deals on to and a monthly course

I've always found their articles to be fairly repetitive after a period of time. Good the first time you read them, but after a while you realise you've read the same article before.

Their annual "DSLR Skills" course (or whatever it's called now) has been the same virtually every year.
If you've never read a photography magazine before, then Practical Photography is good for about 12 months.. then as already noted it starts to repeat itself, and it never really goes into any depth on any subject. So good for a quick skim through and to catch up on the flavour of the month (i.e. last year's new/cool technique/process that they're only just catching up with). This isn't picking on Practical Photography, just about every photography monthly on the shelf in WHSmiths is the same.

Amatuer Photographer is a better occasional read in the bath. I personally prefer to follow a few online magazines/blogs/etc. and read BJP when I can.
Cheers all, some good suggestions for me to check out (I don't really fancy routing through every magazine in smiths).

I have bought a couple of magazines up to this point. One, I completely forget the name of, was ok but maybe too basic even for myself and to be honest, a little lacking in content for the cover price. I still have it somewhere so will check what it was called.

The other that I enjoyed more was Advanced Photographer, which I believe is fairly new to the shelves. I enjoyed the articles more but I suspect the reviews etc are going to be for gear way beyond my pockets. I have a feeling the only lens reviewed in the issue I read was a £1200 Nikon Prime. It was maybe still a little shallow on content and a lot of the content went over my head but it was a more interesting read. I feel that there is probably something better for my current levels.