Make backgrounds whiter in Aperture?

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I have a problem. I'd like to make a background whiter than it currently is - I accept that the lighting was not great and that the white was already pretty grubby, but is there any fix in Aperture or do I have to do this sort of adjustment in another editing program?


I have PSE 10 and Lightroom 4 but even less experience with those than Aperture and would prefer, if possible just to keep within Aperture.
Could you not use the colour adjustment section.
Use the eye dropper to select the background, the use the sliders to adjust the hue or saturation, if it effects the model just brush away ajustment on the parts you don't want changing.
Personally in Lightroom I would use the brush and just bring the exposure up and paint over the background.
Yes you can. Use the brush tool to paint a higher exposure over the white. Worth a go but a lot easier in PS as an adjustment layer as you can mask off the subject