Mamiya C330

simon ess

Just call me Roxanne.
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Sometime between now and Christmas I want to get my first MF camera.

After a lot of reading, including some great threads on here, I think I'm going for the Mamiya TLR.

The prices are good, it's not toooo heavy and has interchangeable lenses.

So, it seems to tick all the boxes.

Would anyone care to talk me out of it and convince me of an alternative?

No not going to talk you out of it, I love mine... I dont use it all of the time but when I do I enjoy it...and of course you have the advantage of interchangeable lenses and being able to focus real close up.

I have used a couple of lenses on mine, but for what I use it for the 80mm 2.8 does everything that need.. also if poss get one with the blue dot lens and I have been told the black coloured lenses are better than the silver versions.
Now this may have been said before but it is definitely....hip to be square.....

I love mine, but don't use it as much as I should - waiting for some good weather - arhem -.

They are a pretty heavy piece of kit, you may want to consider the C220 which, I understand, is a fair bit lighter.

But I would encourage you to get one, it brings a whole new dimension to taking pictures.
Have a look at Steve's pic in the "show us yer film shots" thread... will definately want one then! (even if you didn't before!)

Thanks John. I don't mind some weight. It was the 5 kilos of some that was a bit worrying. The 330 should be fine I think.

Have a look at Steve's pic in the "show us yer film shots" thread... will definately want one then! (even if you didn't before!)


OK, that's it. I'm in love :love: Decision made.

Might as well close this thread now. :LOL:
Good choice, love 6x6 and this will be a great shooter I am sure!

Sorry not helping talking you out of it!
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No reason to talk you out of it, great bits of kit.
Thanks Heather. I'm already watching that one...bugger...must stop...buying cameras...coming dear...
I used to have a Mamiya 330 and sometimes borrow a friends, they are very nice bits of kit and the lens are top notch.

Just look at that Ebay listing as well and it looks very nice.

And like most people I must stop buying cameras.
Oh noooo...I wish I hadn't clicked on this thread and the ebay link.
I had a Mamiya 330f but sold it about 10 years ago. I wish I hadn't now.:bang:

It's a great camera, you will not be dissappointed.:)
Steve-B said:
Go on trevor do it....:)

Mmm..I let this one go...but there will be others. Fancy it with the 55mm lens.
Mmm..I let this one go...but there will be others. Fancy it with the 55mm lens.

It's unlikely you'll pick one up with a 55mm lens on its own, maybe as part of a kit but then kits are appealing. Much better off picking up a body on its own and tracking down a lens somewhere.
RaglanSurf said:
It's unlikely you'll pick one up with a 55mm lens on its own, maybe as part of a kit but then kits are appealing. Much better off picking up a body on its own and tracking down a lens somewhere.

Yeah I realise that. Just meant that as I've got the standard lens Yashica Mat and Rollei I'd like something a bit wider for the odd shot.
I've got my eye on a few, trouble is I need a new clutch and flywheel in my motor, camera may have to wait.
Yeah I realise that. Just meant that as I've got the standard lens Yashica Mat and Rollei I'd like something a bit wider for the odd shot.
I've got my eye on a few, trouble is I need a new clutch and flywheel in my motor, camera may have to wait.

It took me a while to get a w/a for mine, I bought a 65mm from Pete (tikkathreebarrel) from this very forum so they do crop every now and again.

Ffordes have got 65mm in at the moment

And lest face it you might need a new clutch and flywheel but you can't take a photo with a car :D
The weight always cropped up as the biggest problem with the C330, surprised it was dismissed so easily. Even with a decent strap they are awfully heavy...
The weight always cropped up as the biggest problem with the C330, surprised it was dismissed so easily. Even with a decent strap they are awfully heavy...

For me the pros outweigh the cons, I wouldn't use it as a point and shoot, I tend to lug mine around to do traditional and urban landscapes, a decent tripod and the weight issues disappear.
The weight always cropped up as the biggest problem with the C330, surprised it was dismissed so easily. Even with a decent strap they are awfully heavy...

Agree they are not a light camera but if you get one of those wide Pro Tech type straps then it makes carrying it around loads easier.
For me the pros outweigh the cons, I wouldn't use it as a point and shoot, I tend to lug mine around to do traditional and urban landscapes, a decent tripod and the weight issues disappear.

That's fair enough, you are basically using it like you would a large format camera. As you know I use my TLRs mostly handheld so it is an issue for me.

Agree they are not a light camera but if you get one of those wide Pro Tech type straps then it makes carrying it around loads easier.

Op/Tech straps (and other neoprene straps) are the absolute best. Don't understand why more people don't use them.

Anyway, on the subject of Mamiya TLRs, this is the packaging for Adobe's latest product, Photoshop Elements 11:


Didn't really take to TLR's, so in the absence of an alternative to TLR post in this thread, I'm gonna say if I was looking for a cheap start I'd go looking for a Pentacon 6 mount SLR like the Pentacon 6 itself or Exacta or one of the Russian Kievs 60/88.
There is an awful lot of Pentacon 6 stuff about and it is well priced comparatively.
The Mamiya TLR's are fine cameras if a little limited, I found lenses not easy to find and a bit pricey, and I got balled off with the paramander for close up stuffs.