Mamiya C330f and a walk in Cheshire

Andy Grant
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Andy, the twisted yew tree is wonderful, and the second colour lone tree (with the moody sky) is my preferred (in the first, the shadow looks almost more real than the tree!). I like the church, though it might need a bit of straightening, and there's something odd in the texture of the bottom left area. I also like the lock gate, but somehow my eye is drawn to the oof area top centre rather than the lovely textures of the bootom bits. But I very much like the first of the black and white ones; really nice frame within the frame from the branches!
Andy, very strong set of images, love the colour shots, but my favourite is number 3, the tones, composition and symmetry are quite stunning. Lovely work!
I completely agree with what Chris said, the second lone tree shot is awesome, loving the skies
Thanks guys.
Crazy sharp pictures Andy!

#2 and #3 do it for me, awesome work!

I want a MF camera now :(
You know it makes sense.^^^

Thanks for the comments folks, always appreciated.

I forgot how much I love the square format got a Mamiya c330 myself beautiful piece of kit. I like all the shots but love shot 2 and the lock gate would give me hours of printing fun in the darkroom.
Andy, just first to comment on the film, I just love the Adox, I would like to use some of that, but, my guess is that it is expensive, very smooth with a subtle tone and just the right amount of contrast of course you may have adjusted this in PP, but, I like the effect you have got.(y)

Provia, Oh dear, Provia, I have a good supply of this blessed film and for me it just does not work for landscapes, there is just not enough punch, having said that your Yew tree is a standout shot and I think because it is a much more closer framed photo, I am only going to use my Provia for this type of work and the BIG landscape it will be Velvia.(y)

In order of what I like and remember I am a colour type of guy.;)

Trees across the pond, great composition, great tones and contrast and the reflection is well controlled, love the way the RH foreground twigs dictate were your eyes should go.

The lock, Great detail of the subject, if you had got more bokeh in the BG then is would be #1 for me, I just love it. CONGRATS.

Finally the Yew tree love the overall feeling of the photograph, crop out that LH support and it would improve, I know it would not be 6x6, but, close.(y)
Nice set, makes me want to get my Mamiya out again.

My only comment would be that the last two shots look a little flat, as nobody else has mentioned it maybe it's my monitor.

All great compositions though.
The trees theme is a good one.

I think I'll choose a theme and power up the old 330f.

Thanks for the inspiration.
Thank you Richard, your thoughts are always welcome. I have a good few rolls of velvia in the fridge which will be going to Canada so hopefully some lovely punchy landscapes from there.
The Adox is a lovely film, very smooth.

John, glad to have been an inspiration for someone, hope to see the results. I agree with you about the last 2, I messed up my exposure and had to drag the detail out in pp and it has had the effect of leaving them a little flat.


Love those pics Andy. Quick question on setup - are they all on a tripod? And what kind of aperture ranges? I'm getting to know a Yashica Mat at the moment, so trying to work out what settings work well with a TLR.
Thanks Brian, yep all taken on tripod. Aperture range between f11 to f22 and I used a remote release.

Thanks for the info! I think I've been too conservative on my aperture settings on MF until now. Time to stop down further!
Some nice colour shots Andy, Provia is a cracking film isn't it? :D

Personally I think the B&Ws are a little flat, I like my back and whites to have a bit more punch than most so feel free to ignore me (as most do anyway :D)

Nice shots matey
Cheers Rob, I agree about the b&w. I need a bit more practice I think to get them looking more punchy.