-Many- Photos from photo society shoot today

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As title, got loads of random shots from my universities photography society 'have a go' day today, much fun was had and larking around, not the greatest portraits ever, just off the cam and resized etc, but good fun, a little feed back would be good, what you think :)





Nice shots, I know your students but one of you must have an iron for that background.
Pretty good set - looks like you struggled with the lighting in some of them (harsh shadows on faces - eg 2 and 3). But the first one of the 2 girls sat together looks spot on to me
Pretty good set - looks like you struggled with the lighting in some of them (harsh shadows on faces - eg 2 and 3). But the first one of the 2 girls sat together looks spot on to me

Yeah was difficult we had a soft lighting stand and off cam flash, but had trouble making the cams work with them as there so so old, miracle they even worked at all, also iv never really done much before so was all a learning experience :) which is what its all about, good fun indeed.

As were here, some of the cameras we used would -not- go out of flash sync mode (i.e. shutter speed maxed to 250, F5 only) even if we were in manual mode and non flash sync/auto in custom settings............question is how do you 'make the camera do fully manual' while plugged into an external flash setup ?........some shots I was stuck at F5 and I wanted F7.1 for example

most cams used were 20D/30D/40D series and Nikon D70's and couple olympus

My cam personally (40D) would sometimes do what I wanted it to (250/F8 for example) then others it would not go lower than F5, all in manual mode ? :shrug: