Marrakech 2018

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Should have been 2020 but its hard to complain about frivolities in these times.

So I've had the time to reevaluate this series and choose some shots that i'd previously overlooked.. The alleyways of Marrakech never disappoint photographically and there is always intrigue around every corner. A mix of street grabs and B&W, taken with a D600 and Tamron 45 1.8.








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Some great images there, especially the first 2 where the focus is very much on the people. I also really like the mono looking through the slot window.
What a great set of images. If I'd never been there myself these photographs would have made me keen to go sometime soon ... and very jealous of you :)

As it is, they have reminded me what a fascinating place it is. Thank you :ty:
What a great set of images. If I'd never been there myself these photographs would have made me keen to go sometime soon ... and very jealous of you :)

As it is, they have reminded me what a fascinating place it is. Thank you :ty:

Morocco is fabulous, but Marakech makes me shudder. You need to be robust & quick-witted to cope with the people.
I used to lead off-road tours which often started in Marakech. The city dwellers are quite a bit different from the country folk.
Morocco is fabulous, but Marakech makes me shudder. You need to be robust & quick-witted to cope with the people.
I’ve been a few times now and also elsewhere in Morocco. I can’t argue with you though the people from Mara can be difficult and can be looking for a way to extract coin from you.
I’ve been a few times now and also elsewhere in Morocco. I can’t argue with you though the people from Mara can be difficult and can be looking for a way to extract coin from you.

We had a lucky escape, but the same people we escaped from managed to get others from our party inside a building and would not let them go until they were given money. They were quite shaken, and the whole attitude in Marakech left a feeling of distrust and dislike - as is coming out now I guess. It felt like we were a crop to be harvested by any means possible. :rolleyes:

Our favourite place was Essaouira, but even there we saw tensions under the surface with an anti-tourist protest march down the main street and a fight between tourists and a shop keeper + mates.
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We had a lucky escape, but the same people we escaped from managed to get others from our party inside a building and would not let them go until they were given money. They were quite shaken, and the whole attitude in Marakech left a feeling of distrust and dislike - as is coming out now I guess. It felt like we were a crop to be harvested by any means possible. :rolleyes:

Our favourite place was Essaouira, but even there we saw tensions under the surface with an anti-tourist protest march down the main street and a fight between tourists and a shop keeper + mates.
Also my fave place in Maroc!

Was intending to return there this year too. Took one of my all time travel shots there in 2013

Great set.

#7 looks awesome, I would cut the motorcycle on the left as I find it a bit distracting though.
We went for a day from a cruise some years ago. The only problem we had was when taking photos in the souk and market the people would come with their hands out wanting money for having the photo taken.
We went for a day from a cruise some years ago. The only problem we had was when taking photos in the souk and market the people would come with their hands out wanting money for having the photo taken.

reminds me of Cairo...backsheesh
when we got off the coach each time they were all around us...just touching my cases they wanted know what i mean!!
later on further south away from Cairo not so bad..

When i was in Morocco i stayed clear of souks in Mksh and Casa...i stayed in Rabat which was pretty quiet then...winter time

the memories stay.!
We went for a day from a cruise some years ago. The only problem we had was when taking photos in the souk and market the people would come with their hands out wanting money for having the photo taken.
Yes I learnt that quite early on, I found I could be quite covert most of the time and even developed some great techniques to take pics of people even up close without them noticing but I did pay for the odd ‘posed’ pic.
Good selection of images, love Morocco and always enjoyed spells in Marrakech as well but best taken in short stays as it can be quite tiring.... driving from Essaouira to Zagora was neat as well