massive project... well, for me!

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Hello everyone, I'm shooting my uni project on film so expect more things to be added to this thread, I'l start with this short video clip which I have a friend shooting to document the whole project from start to finish.

I will add some of the negs from each test shoot I have done, 4 rolls on the RB67 and 3 on the 645. After having looked at the results I plan on shooting with Fuji Neopan and Fuji Acros and developing in PQ developer as this gave me results similar to what I wanted.

I'm off on holiday to Cape Verde later tonight but when I return I aim on finishing the project within 2 weeks. So expect a lot of shots that I would like help to choose from, criticism etc as I think I am the only one shooting my whole project on film in the class.

This video will also be polished with footage from both shoots and more behind the scenes clips including a commentary from myself added.

So without further ado, here it is...
I'm confused Brian, was it something I said on the video?

The developing bit is way too long, probably cut it to 20 secs or so because we have got a lot more to film on the days of the shoots.
I'm confused Brian, was it something I said on the video?

Nah! You made it all simple and straight forward looking for anyone trying film, but thought the rolling the tank was unusual (I was a twirler ;)).
I was told to do is this way to reduce the number of bubbles and something about less noticeable developing streaks on larger film sizes.

I'm really happy with how it looks but it's still got a lot to get added and finalised.
was good, it encouraged me to get a roll of film into my 'new' developing tank this afternoon. I may pop back this evening and pour some chemicals in it :)