Matchams Motocross 23/03/08

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okay my first attempt at motocross but c&c welcome.
I managed to get these before I got told to stop taking photos as the "pro" taking photos and selling them won't like me taking pix. i pointed out all the other people taking photos with bridge cameras like mine but they seemed to think that I looked more professional than the others :LOL:
well I just took that as a compliment and proceeded to explain that it should state on the ticket that photography is not allowed. And then pointed out that although they charged to get in.. no ticket was given :shrug:
They then let me take photos of the rider that I knew.
Oh almost forgot.. they also said that they were within thier rights to delete my photos from my camera...
After explaining that not even a policeman can do that.. and that I know my rights having a dad who's a copper and a brother thats a lawyer..
(they dont know that I dont really know my dad or half brther as my dad walked out when i was 2 yrs old.. but what i said was true ) (y)

anyway heres 3 of the best..



You can't take photo's!!!! My arse, glad you told them to sling there bull**** somewhere else.

As for photo's I think its a good first attempt but I would like to see maybe the table tops to get an idea of height.

You seem to be struggling to get the exposure correct with the direction your shooting from, might have been better from the other side of the riders.

But I do like that your shutter speed hasn't frozen the wheels spinning, just looks better IMO when the are blurred.

the sun was to the left of the riders and I wasn't allowed on the other side of the table top.
Am chuffed with the shutter speed though.
I was just getting my eye in when they stopped me lol.

they look higher without the table top in view tbh as some of these guys werent that high.
Although saying that. the guy in shot 3 was going very high and i wanted a close up of him lol :(
#1 for me, good colours, nice and sharp :)