Maya. M5 and Sigma 17-70 f2.8.


Bo Derek
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I've been pondering getting studio lights for a while now after borrowing our club lights last year. I do though have 2 speedlights that I've hardly ever used and wanted to try them before I splurge on studio kit.

Out of curiosity more than anything, I thought I'd try a single off camera flash today, with some triggers and my little M5. I also used a Sigma 17-70 f2.8, a lens I bought from here many years ago, it's a little peach, I'd forgotten how good that lens can be as it is a crop sensor lens and I'm now FF for my main camera. The Sigma has been handy on the M5 though.

I tried the combo today and that little M5 continues to suprise me, it too is a little peach.

Now I'm not a cat man, give me a dog anyday but we do have 2 cats, as my daughter is cat crazy. One of our cats is a 3 year old Ragdoll and the other is a Bengal cross, called Maya, who is 14 years old. This is her.

IMG_0507 DPP CS6 JP tp.jpg

The M5, lens and speedlight really impressed me, it's certainly sharp enough. Not a studio shot by any means but nice enough to share.
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