Mazda FD RX-7

Mitesh Tailor
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A friend has finally got a single turbo conversion done on his car along with a few other bits. Car is totally mental and he wanted some photos.

Million and one things wrong with the location but he was driving so did what I could.

1D mkIIn and Sigma 85 1.4 for these





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#2 is the shot for me. The others are good but in comparison to the lighting and composition of 2 they take a back seat
I like number 1 but number 2 is my pick of the bunch. I'd loose the yellow air freshener and I can't decide if the blue signs on the pillars are distracting or not. That said my eye keeps going to them.

The Ultralite wording is pretty key in number 4 so it's a shame that it's slighly out of focus.

The last shot shows the car itself nicely. I'd have quite fancied one of these a few years ago but I doubt I'd get 4 kids in there.
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Nice shots! I'm learning so can't really see any issues not already mentioned. This is a car I'd still love to own,and this one is an excellent example!
Lovely car - must have taken ages to get the polish that deep and shiny.

The yellow air refreshner IS distracting along with the Sat Nav - spoils the clean cut effect especioally the rubber suction cup mount which stands out a bit white.

Not too sure on the blue one way direction signs either.
Flippin love the RX7, these pics are great too. Nice and sharp and oh that deep red shine, lol :eek:

You've got some great shots there, only thing that someone has already pointed out is the air freshner and satnav, which I hadn't even noticed untill it was said, too busy drooling....

1 is my favourite as you have the wheel placed exactly so all spokes are lined up, love that. Closely followed by 3, cause I like the cut off look you have on it (y)
Thanks for the add on Flickr too Mitesh (y)
No worries. Theres always things to improve but when you have friends who appreciate photos, the little things are no big deal.

Reckon once we get this mag worthy, then ill get some more posted up on here.
I like the framing on #2 but it seems a bit dark, specially the lower section of thenfront bumper!

The lighting is better on #4.

A friend once told me to treat the front bumper as a face. It always has to be in focus and with proper lighting. Easier said than done on most cars without using aditional lighting.
I always try to get one shot where the front wheel is turned but isn't "cut" by the arch. I decide later which looks better

Losing the tax disc is a must. I'd also lose the thing on the dash and I'd try removing all the wiper arms for the last shot as well...

On that shot of the wheel I think you have to pull focus on some part of the wheel to make it work

Nice, shiny, well-prepped car!

Nick Froome
That siggy 85 looks to be a bloody good lens!

some really nice shots here, as others have said - number 2 is also for me!
Cheers all. Most of the points raised I already picked up on. 9 out of 10 owners getting free pics are not fussed about the little distractions.

As for the car, the owner just loves and respects every vehicle he owns so has a routine of looking after them including a proper wax every few weeks. I have never seen it dirty, actually any of his cars.
Great shots and car. Only criticism is, I would remove the yellow magic tree air freshener.
I saw these on CS yesterday and thought I had seen these shots somewhere else!

Cracking shots mate!
cracking shots but out of all of them its no2 for me