Mean looking Treecreeper

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Managed to get a shot of a Treecreeper. They hardly ever stay still for more than a millisecond, so got quite lucky here

C&C very welcome

That is a good capture Nigel of a bird I have yet to come across let alone photograph. Some very good detail and nice to see the whites are not blown (y)
Thanks for your kind comments guys. A lot of luck involved I think

That is a good capture Nigel of a bird I have yet to come across let alone photograph. Some very good detail and nice to see the whites are not blown (y)

I'm following the Les McLean school of photographing birds using the 7D...... using manual exposure wouldn't you know :bonk:
Fabulous shot.

I saw a pair two weeks ago and they were on the go the whole time, so good work getting this beautiful shot.

Cracking shot of a mobile little devil (y) ... but it does look a tad upset about something :D
Nicely captured! Was that with the 100-400?

Yes at full stretch. The image is a small crop to (hopefully) balance the composition

Very nice. They are always on the dark side of the tree when I see them.


This one kept doing that to and just popped round for about a second to have a bit of a warm up in the evening sun :D
Nice capture ad pose. They're always on the other side of the tree and I never see them.
Hope I've not peaked! :bonk:

Naaah, just on the minor slopes, plenty more to come before you peak :)

Go with the flow on this, an excellent shot.
Well spotted and nicely captured.
I wouldn't worry - could well be that the trunk/lichen is in the same focus plane and it's just that I find myself looking there, rather than the bird.

In fact, I'm pretty sure that's it :)