Meeko Cat

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Recently I've been honing my skills and shooting real 35mm film (I KNOW! What's that?) and playing with manual focus lenses in the few minutes I have between doing my main photography work. Been playing with some m42 fitment lenses; a helios 44-2 that I picked up on a Zenit-E in a junk shop for £5 (y) and a Chinon 135mm F2/.8 that I'm borrowing off another user on here, Alex Farrance.

Here's one taken this morning from the latter mounted on my Canon 6D via the easily available m42/EF adapter.

I was quite impressed with the dreamy feel to the photo that the lens gives yet sharpness on her eyes is pretty good I think.

Meeko - Oct 2013 by Justin Krause, on Flickr
I agree with the sharpness in the eyes comment, very nice use of depth of field.
Lovely kitty (y)
Nailed the focus Justin! I'd crop the cats face a little more central to the picture, or towards the top but man.. Very good job!