Meeting Miss Velma

Well was it the end across from the M11, or was it the opposite end of the runway or was it across from the runway i.e. Directly opposite the inside viewing line?

Theres a link to a map somewhere on here
normally the naughty field is the one directly mirroring the display line.

Personally if someone supports the museum throughout the year I can find little to bemoan regarding money.

My main concern is safety, not only of the people on the ground but the pilots, being a pilot myself you always have backup plans and one of them is the fields that people stand in.

Not many years ago in France a pilot ended up killed as the emergency area was covered in "fans" and he was unable to land the plane safely to threw it into some trees to avoid the people.

That is what upsets me, in 2011 we lost Big Beautiful Doll in an accident, what would have happened had that accident happened 30-45 seconds later and it came down in the "naughty" field....