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I don't know if other old codgers are the same ,but I can remember the words of songs from 50-60 years ago but I can't remember what I did last week or sometimes a few hours ago .suppose it goes with the territory but it gets to me
I've lost count how many times I've walked upstairs and forgotten what I went up for. Frustrates the hell out of me!
Speak for yourself :)
The older I get the harder it is remember how old I am.
I've lost count how many times I've walked upstairs and forgotten what I went up for. Frustrates the hell out of me!

Then when you get back downstairs and sit down, you need the pee even more!
:LOL: all sounding growingly of the many "joys" of advancing years ;)

I would love to retire before I get to the point when I cannot enjoy it, oh boy that is maudlin thought :(
What kicked off the post was I was watching t.v and a song came into my head so I quietly started singing it ,the wife said did you just make that up ,nope I said it's a oldie ,she said it must be as she had never heard it ,done a search and it was a obscure crickets song and I was word and tune perfect .
Age related memory loss - particularly short term - seems to be pretty common. I'm not that old (62) but I tell my wife that the occasional lapses are due to even my brain's memory banks filling up due to the vast amount of knowledge stored in them, and they're having to discard data to make room for new input... :D
Age related memory loss - particularly short term - seems to be pretty common. I'm not that old (62) but I tell my wife that the occasional lapses are due to even my brain's memory banks filling up due to the vast amount of knowledge stored in them, and they're having to discard data to make room for new input... :D

Ah! snap on the age :) as for the filing up and dumping the excess..........very Homer Simpson ;) Though it is more a shunt, the old stuff is in the archives but the fresh stuff just slides on through!
My most frustrating one was going out to the shed in torrential rain to get something important, when I got there I just stood there staring around like an idiot, no idea what I'd gone for. I went back indoors confident that it would come back to me, it never did, so whatever it was that was so important never did get done. :confused:
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I scribble notes to myself to do things. The trouble is after so many years typing, most of the time I can't decipher my writing anyway... Ah well :)
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It seems to happen more the way you describe.
Long term memories appear to be more... memorable!
Short term memory seems to go first.

One of the joys of age.

It could be worse - it could be your sex drive :D
So Memory we are talking then, Well, I thought I would get myself a nice pint of a well known chilled apple derived beverage....yummy also felt I needed some nibbles so I reach for the cheese and onion and then I pick up my pint and sit in the lounge for a nice sit down and pop on a film. Slurp then reach for the nibbles ...oops forgot them! go out to kitchen where there lies an empty crisp packet, ok I think whos had them? I am in on my own and I am wondering did I eat them? looking about the contents are no where to be seen, so I go to put the packet in the bin and I see a nice pile of crisps right there in the bin? what? It appears I have opened the packet and emptied the crisps in the bin and put the packet on the side.

This is not the first time, the last time, similar only I had opened the packet and put the crisps in the bowl in the cupboard as I was saving time and needed to lean on the work surface as my back was bad after a long day, I then could not find them until I gave in got another bag opened it and reached for a bowl, then found them just sitting there in the bowl on the top of the pile of bowls.

Couple of nights ago I go to take my medication before bed, I keep them in a cabinet in the bathroom that has a door that stays open where you leave it it has a kitchen style door but its glass with an ally edging I get the tablet out of pot and drop it, bend down and loose my balance and need to step forward while bent down to steady myself, I dont like bending as my back is still not great so want to straighten up as soon as, I had forgotten the cabinet door was still open and right on the corner of the aluminum edge to my baldy head, that did smart and brought an involuntary tear to my eye I can tell you....

Seems when I have been buisy all day on a shoot or on a night shoot I tend to switch off after and thats when it all ends up, going memory that is!
I was going to respond with an amusing anecdote but I forgot it by the time I reached the end of this thread.
Sounds like bliss. I'm like an elephant can't forget a thing.
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Does that hurt?

Only when the name's the short form of Richard...

Never had a good memory for names which was rather embarrassing in hospital when I had to ask the nurses their names every day. To keep a check on my mental state and recovery, I was asked every day what the date was (made sure I went for a pee just before they asked - there was a chart on the back of the door with the date written on it!), who was the prime minister and where I was. After almost a week, I was giving them the bed, bay, ward, section, hospital and post code so they stopped asking. Oddly, although I saw him only once after the op (got very little recollection of the few months before it), I will never forget Mr Haden's name (or the nickname of the young lady surgeon who assisted him - Baby Kat).
If his head is like mine you don't feel a thing and you can see right from from one side to the other

I don't know if other old codgers are the same ,but I can remember the words of songs from 50-60 years ago but I can't remember what I did last week or sometimes a few hours ago .suppose it goes with the territory but it gets to me

That's me as well. My wife thinks I'm weird that I can remember the words to tv theme songs and adverts from the 1960s. On the other hand I'm forever wandering around, trying to remember what I was supposed to be doing. My favourite trick lately is looking for my keys or my phone, when it's actually in my hand. Doh! I'm 61, I swear it's only going to get worse. :D
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I started out with great ideas and stories to match the thread theme.... but by the time I started to type it was a blank moment...... all I could think of was 'where is my porridge'.....
My (genuine!) excuse is that I have a hole in my head! :D
I feel a little happier reading this thread. I'm going shopping tomorrow and as the town is about 70 miles away I don't want to forget anything so I have a notepad in the kitchen and have been making a list for a few days. Twice this morning I've thought of something I want but forgotten it on my way back the the kitchen.

I have lists dotted about the place. Some for things I want to Google, some for shopping, some for toys etc.. The problem is, I can never find the list of where all my lists are so I still forget things! Even worse is that when playing g*lf, I sometimes have problems remembering how many shots a hole has taken me, especially if there have been a couple of crap toppers. :( Luckily I only play for kicks, giggles and exercise rather than in competitions so it doesn't really matter. Still a bit of a PITA though!)
I'd forgotten all about this thread. What were we talking about again?
Why did I come here.... What was my name again? I'm glad I'm not alone...
Coconut oil and stewed Japanese Knotweed shoots are the answer.

(Except the latter comes with a fine of £1000 for harvesting and transporting it elsewhere and if you grow it in your garden the property will be unsaleable).

I read some rather excellent reports the other day, "mental exercises " that were guaranteed to restore
your memory back to your early 20's level ....

Now where the f*** did I see that ... :thinking:
I feel a little happier reading this thread. I'm going shopping tomorrow and as the town is about 70 miles away I don't want to forget anything so I have a notepad in the kitchen and have been making a list for a few days. Twice this morning I've thought of something I want but forgotten it on my way back the the kitchen.

Don't then do what I do and set off, forgetting to take the lovely shopping list.
I've been known to take a snap of the shopping list on my phone (which is on a lanyard round my neck.) I have noticed that my memory does seem to be improving but how long that lasts before anno domini remove the improvement is anyone's guess!