Mental Asylum pt II (warning img heavy)

which asylum is that? and i hope you brought a dust mask before entering the service tunnels as there is asbestos... i love the pics, i wish i could go to an asylum, but i dont think there is any near blackpool
I didn't bother with anything. Asbestos is only dangerous if you disturb it. Being asbestos, I made sure not to disturb it lol

Other than that, the pidgeon **** everywhere and peeling lead paint was more of a worry. For that, I used the tried and tested sleeve-over-the-mouth technique.

Safety first...
lol im used to pidgeon and seagul mess. i had to wade through tons of it at a chem plant it hummed. also apart from there being no asylums near blackpool i dont think id like to go alone
and was the writing graffiti or done by the patients... i dont recognise that asylum at all

The pictures with the equipment, floor polishers etc are very dark, as though the cleaners said “stuff this place” and walked out.

Incidentally I prefer the HDR pictures in this thread to your original one in your last thread, especially the top picture with the burnt sky.

Thanks for showing them.
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Wow, thats a really fascinating study and some great photos in there.

Particularly like the 2nd one (corridor) - looks like hand scratch marks on the first door!!! Creepy!

And love the third one (piano), like the composition.

Very cool! Love the shots. So where abouts is it, i'd love to do some filming there.
Im guessing you were not supposed to be there?
Is it West park Hospital or somewhere else?
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Wow wow wow!! How cool!
The place looks seriously eerie! And very scary!
Excellent work in going there and getting shots like this! It reminds me of One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest! Particularly the lighting and writing!
Very very Cool! Not usually an HDR fan but it really highlights this place and the energy that was once there?
Great set of shots. Very interesting. They are all excellent, but my pick would be #2 (the inviting corridor). I do like the way you have processed them. All of them, not just the HDR's at the beginning. Is there a name for this type of processing, on the latter shots?
Very spooky, they really draw you in. I must have spent a good 40 minuites looking at these the perspectives you've used, your use of depth of field in some of the shots you've used the light rather nicely and also putting objects into the foreground like number 7. I'm not 100% you need to use HDR for some of them, the subject matter lends its self well to the treatment but I also think you can get striking images by working with your exsposure and iso. Really good job (y)
Leave 1, those are some of the best pics of West Park that I have seen.......

I have PM'd you with regard to a return visit and whether you wanna do Fairmile......down my neck of the woods..

Speak soon,


PS. For anyone thinking of visitng remeber the moto...Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints
Glad you liked them guys. I will hopefully get the main attraction, the padded cells, posted soon.

vmlopes, I responded to your PM :)
Awesome, inspiring, stunning.

Amazing shots.
brilliant set, really get the atmosphere across in those. Really good.
Again, thanks for the kind words, everyone. It feels good to have finally put a good set of pictures out there.
Wow fantastic photos, you are much braver than me, i'm freaked out and i'm just looking at the photographs, let alone going in. They are very eerie and also brings a sadness with them too

Totally agree ^^^^^
Ah, yes, I am an idiot, pleased to meet you. It would've helped if I'd have pressed the submit button after writing it lol

Sent now

Cheers John,

Have responded, keep in touch for return visit to this or the others we wrote about.;)

Speak soon,

pics looked great, was really powerful (y) really captures the atmosphere through image
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Nice shots, i'd have been crapping myself in that corridor waiting for the flash to recharge if that was the only source of light:D

I'm sure that place was featured in the Dimbelby programme about How we bult Britain, the theatre looks familiar
A lot of good images there, too many to comment on them all, but as a general comment I quite like them.
I'm loving these shots. Especially the HDR ones. It definately looks like somewhere i WOULDN'T like to visit at the night time!
Great docushoot, I like HDR ones but I like the first aid one too.
what and how are you doing the HDR shots
a very powerful collection
cheers for sharing