Mercedes Benz World Live '09

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This was at Brooklands where Mercedes have their "world", and the on track action proved an excellent chance to practice some panning. All Taken with E-520 + Vivitar 70-210mm

C+C Welcome :)




I was thinkign that, but look at the tyres, they are stood still and the rears arent :thinking:

some nice shots there, looks like you had a great opportunity to go there!

I wonder if the front breaks have locked on the approach to corner... otherwise it's odd!
They're blaking plates that stay stationery as the wheel rotates. Part of the aerodynamics, helps draw air to the brakes.

normally the tyres go around too :)

i just looked at the flickr page and he's doing Donuts. So that explains why the front wheels arent moving.
but it just looks weird, because the background and foreground are blurred giving it some right-left motion... is there any photoshop blur on that shot?
yea was annoying i could not get a spot higher up to look over the barriers :( was really busy.

As for number 2 i need to check the exif data for the shutter speed, but in that picture he was doing a standing start/burnout so his rear wheels were spinning up from the massive acceleration and wet track and his front wheels moving at road speed. My thinking is that my panning motion was at the same speed of the cars acceleration and of his front tyres, so they look like they are stopped.

No Photochop here, i have got the original image if you would like to take a look.
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no need - i'll take your word for it :)

it is wierd though isn't it? If it was doughnuts, must have been right at the start before the tyres started smoking - really unusual catch, well done!

they look better than mine. I really struggled as it was so dull and the damn barriers were always in the way. I did manage to catch the DTM spitting flames but 3/4 of the car is behind the barriers.

Good set.
I don't think I got a single shot of the DTM. Heads, tannoys, fences, BAH!

At least at the end, we got down by the skid pan, for Lewis doing his doughnuts, etc.

I wonder if Gary thinks I was signed on? As I wasn't. Punter side.
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