Merlin chicks

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Although I've posted these in the communal thread I thought they were probably special enough to warrant their own thread :)

Was very fortunate yesterday, whilst out walking the local moors, to find a Merlin nest with 4 chicks,

D500, 500pf, 1/320th, f5.6, ISO 4000

I know Merlins are schedule 1 birds and these photos were taken with the appropriate persons being present.........

Edit- If, like Bill, you have any concerns about me breaking the law, please read this post here , thank you >>

It was fantastic to be so close

Thanks for looking

Merlin chick 1024 SS.jpg

Merlin chicks 1024.jpg
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I don't know who an "appropriate" person is, but taking images of birds in a nest in most cases is really a no no - I am sure that you did not do any damage but if you cause a nesting bird to change it's behaviour you would be breaking the law, punishable with a fine, (could be quite large), or even worse
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Something you don't see every day Phil - lovely shots :)

Beautiful to see - a privelege for you no doubt.
So bright and alert

Thank you Alan, yes, a great privilage

I don't know who an "appropriate" person is, but taking images of birds in a nest in most cases is really a no no - I am sure that you did not do any damage but if you cause a nesting bird to change it's behaviour you would be breaking the law, punishable with a fine, (could be quite large), or even worse

Bill, your comment isn't worth a reply but I will.
I owe no one any explanation and please don't go quoting the law to me, needless to say this photo was taken totally legally, if it hadn't do you really think I'm that stupid to post it on an open forum?
Pity that our first encounter after your long absence is on a sour note but welcome back anyway.

Something you don't see every day Phil - lovely shots :)


Thank you Les, lovely to see and as said above, a great privilege
Superb find, Phil - and thanks for sharing (y)


Great stuff Phil.

Nice find lucky you

Thanks chaps, appreciated.

I have to confess, getting up close and personal with these chicks was definitely not about 'what ya know' but 'who ya know'


After giving it some thought today, I did wonder if a little more narrative about how I came about being so close might have been better, not only because they are a Schedule1 birds but also out of respect for the chaps I was lucky enough to be with.

On Wednesday the 7th of July, it would be around 1500hrs ya honour :angelic::),......... me and the wife were out walking the local moors. Having spotted a family party of 5 Raven, 2 adults, 3 immature birds, a female Merlin flew into view and started relentless mobbing them.........interesting!

An hour later we returned back down the same path to see the Merlin sat on a small rocky outcrop overlooking a ravine in the vicinity of where she'd been mobbing the Ravens ..........even more interesting!........ but typically no camera or scope, just bins!

Anyway, long story short, after nipping home for me tea I returned around 1800hrs armed with scope and camera. An hour of watching her make a couple of kills and return back to the same spot, a couple of text messages and a phone call later, I met a schedule 1 ringer and the chap who assists. Having watched and made a note of where she was dropping into the bracken it wasn't hard to find the nest and he rung the 4 chicks.

:thinking: @BillN_33 I can't possibly think why you wouldn't have thought the only 'appropriate' person was a licenced ringer, it wasn't rocket science!

Anyway, as I've said, it was fantastic to find, lovely to see and yes, I'll say it again, a privilege to be so close to these amazing birds :)

atb, Phil
Wonderful shots ,Phil. What an experience.

Thank you John

cracking shots, i presume there was no trees around for them to nest in? I know they use other birds nests.

Thanks Mark, I thought Merlins were purely a ground nesting bird but a quick Google says they can and do nest in conifer trees. Having spent as much time as I do around conifer plantations watching Long-eared owls its something I didn't know, will definitely be watching out for them in the future, cheers
Thank you John

Thanks Mark, I thought Merlins were purely a ground nesting bird but a quick Google says they can and do nest in conifer trees. Having spent as much time as I do around conifer plantations watching Long-eared owls its something I didn't know, will definitely be watching out for them in the future, cheers
yes mate, had them nesting in old crows nests down here, normally on forest edgings.