Mia's 730+ Daily photo diary

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I am just about to complete the first 365 of my daughters photo diary. I originally started it so that our friends and family who live afar and dont get to see her very often can keep up to date with what she does and to see her grow in her first year.
I have found the challenge to be a lot harder than expected and at times I have fallen behind with my posts but still managed to take the photos and then when I found the time brought the diary back up to date. Some of the pictures are just snap shots from my iphone some are from family who may be minding Mia on a particular day but I also manage to get out the real camera as well.
I have found over time I am more disciplined in trying to get a picture and managing to post most days or sometimes just running a few days behind if I dont get chance to get on the computer.
For the next year I have decided to continue with the diary, one so that when Mia is older she can see how she grew and also what she got up to in her younger years. I will also make her first year into a hard back book that I will give her on her 18th birthday.
The family dont give any feedback on the photos they just say they are all good, that is just because it is pictures of Mia. For the next 365 I will try to post in TP as well to get feed back on how my photography can improve. I dont have the most creative eye but with some tips from TP that may change. The snap shots im not looking for critique they are what they are, mainly just a convenience shot.

Mia's wordpress photo blog can be found here www.pigginell.wordpress.com I have just changed the theme of the blog for the coming year, it still needs a little tweaking but its almost there. Some of the photos were reduced in size when I changed the theme, over time I will change them back.


This is from the 24th so a day old now, I am just about to update with new pictures.
Please feel free to look round the archives any constructive critique is welcome.
On her birthday I did a brief overview of Mia's first year which follows:

Today was my first birthday, I was very excited as mum and dad told me that I get presents and toys to celebrate my birthday. I woke up early so I could open some of my presents, I wasnt allowed to open them all until everyone arrived. I started to open my presents when Auntie Kath and the boys came down stairs, mum didnt tell me that while I was sleeping we had friends and family come over to stay. I opened a few more presents before grandma and grandad came down to wish me happy birthday, then a little later Ben got out of bed and came down.
I had a good play with the boys before Jon and Charlotte came over so we could go to dads club, I spent the rest of the morning at dads club then we set off to get ready for my party in the afternoon. Everyone started to arrive about 2 o’clock then I partied hard until I could party no more. I finally went to bed and left the grown ups to party on.
I still cant believe I am one year old, the last year has been the best year of my life. I have seen so much and learnt so much and I am looking forward to see what I can learn this year.
When I look back over the year at the things I have done, I have been on Safari, done a road trip across Europe, spent a week in a log cabin in the mountains, a road trip to the highlands of Scotland, several trips to the coast in north Wales, spent a week in a log cabin on the South coast, been to a few festivals including the big chilli festival, I have seen mum and dads friends getting married, I have seen mum and dads friends giving birth, I have climbed a mountain and stood above the clouds, I have learnt how to crawl how to stand and im sure soon to walk. I have eaten some of the best foods around including dads special curry (the mild one) I have cried, I have laughed, I have learnt to swim. After all the things I have learnt and done I have found that I am so happy when I am with mummy and daddy, I love you both and I cant wait to start the next year of adventures together thank you both so much for making me so happy.

Daddy said he would take a photo a day for my first year which he has done (he cheated in a few places) this was my diary for my first year, I hope you all enjoyed following me on my adventures. Dad hasnt decided what he is going to do for my second year but I will let you all know soon.

Thanks for looking

Pete + Mia
Today me and mum did our Friday sessions, in the morning we went to rhythm and rhyme where I was lead drummer as usual then in the afternoon we went over to the soft play group with the girls. We hoped to go swimming as well but we ran out of time.

This is me practising walking, I am getting better.


Today Me and dad went over to B&Q to get the wax finish and the hydraulic arms so that we can finish off building my toy chest. Once we had got all the bits we went for a short drive up onto the top of Werneth Low, we then had a short walk in the park before heading back to meet mum. On the way back we stopped off at the supermarket to get some things for lunch.
We all spent the afternoon together and played some games, we were going to go back out but I was feeling very sleepy so had a long nap. After my nap it was too late to go out so I played in my toy chest.

This is me in my toy chest.

Today we got a phone call from uncle Jim, he told us that auntie Nina had been in hospital and had given birth to my new cousin and they had named her 'Tilly' we all got ready and drove over to Nottingham to see baby Tilly. When we got there she was very small, I haven't seen many people smaller than me before but she was tiny. I gave her one of my famous big kisses and said hello. We spent the day getting to know her before heading home.

This is me with uncle Jim, dad took lots of pictures of Tilly but he didn't get any of us both together.

Today we headed south again to visit some friends in Staffordshire, I am getting much better at travelling in the car and I dont get as upset now on long journeys. We had a nice day with our friends and I played with the girls before heading back home.
When we got home mums friend Beth had bought me a nice teddy bear to make me feel better after being ill last week. I like getting presents.

Dad didnt get many good pictures today so this is me giving dad my disapproving look for sticking that camera in my face, again..

Such a great idea, and that first photo is fantastic!

Cheers Ray.

Yeah the idea was for friends and family at first but then I thought it would be great for Mia when she is older to see her early years.

The only down side is I find I rush a lot of the shots, when I get home from work there isnt much time to get some good pictures before she goes to bed.

All good memories though.

Hi, Pete, some nice photographs, there.

I'm drawn to the eye contact in #1 and the 'first steps' of #2.

make sure yuo get some printed, I received the first set of my 7 year old daugher on Saturday and it was great to hold the photographs.

Keep up the great work!

BTW, I'm doing a more detatched 365 and I agree, time is always an issue. I thought 'How hard can it be to take one picture a day?!".


Today I woke up still feeling a little poorly, I have been coughing all night. I went over to see grandma and grandad and they took me out to the shops. After shopping I just stayed with grandad and played a few games but generally relaxed to try to get better.

Dad struggled to get a picture today as im not that well


Today mum and dad took me over to auntie Jane’s then they both went to work. Uncle Ant was off work today so we all went out together and visited the garden centre, I always get confused when we come here as no one is a gardener.
We looked round all the animals they have and then I pulled auntie Jane into the toy section, thats when she bought me a lovely sheep teddy bear to make me feel better.
I have been coughing all day again so mum has booked me in at the doctors tomorrow to have a service.

This is me not very happy with my food


Today me and mum got up and went to see the Doctor because of my cough. We got there early and sat and read all the womens magazines while waiting for the Doctor. I was checked over and they prescribed my some antibiotics to take if my cough doesnt go in a few days.
After the Doctors I went over to Grandma’s I had a really long nap and woke up in the afternoon but I didnt feel very well at all, I felt very hot and started to burn up. I cuddled up with grandad for awhile to try to get better but I just got hotter and hotter. Auntie Jane popped in and she tried to help me cool down, she gave me some medicine and a big cuddle. It took some time but my temperature started to come down.
When dad came to pick me up we headed home then dad gave me some really strong medicine to help with my fever, it was then a quick bath then bed.
I hope im feeling better tomorrow as I want to go to meet the girls for rhythm and rhyme class.

This is me trying to keep smiling while having a bath

Today I woke up feeling very sorry for myself and still feeling very poorly, mum took me over to meet the girls for rhythm and rhyme class. I joined in as much as I could but I just wanted to go home to bed.
I put on my best smiles for the girls but in the end I asked mum to take me home. I had all my medicines then tucked up in bed for a good nights sleep.

This is me just catching a nap on the couch.

Today I woke up early and my cough has got worse, mum and dad went out last night and had a few drinks so mum wasn’t very happy when I woke her early. Mum told me her head was hurting as well but I told her I had no sympathy as it was all self-inflicted.
I spent the day relaxing around the house and taking my medicine to try to get better, I don’t like being ill its no fun at all. I have not had much to eat or drink in the last few days so mum said if I don’t start tomorrow she will take me back to the Doctor.

This is me catching a nap.

Today I felt worse than ever… I have not had much to eat or drink in the last few days and this virus isn’t nice at all..
Mum and dad decided to ring the GP to have me checked over, he told us to come in straight away.
We drove over to see him and he stuck some strange looking things in me and said I needed to go and see a Paediatrician, he made a phone call and we went straight in to see her.
She plugged me into lots of machines that monitored all my vital signs and she said I seemed to be working properly (ish) I was prescribed some new drugs and given some things to hydrate me. We left hospital late in the afternoon and headed over to grandmas for tea.
I finally went to bed feeling slightly better but mum said I would be much better in the morning.

This is me exploring the hospital bed.

Today I was feeling much better than I have been, me and mum went over to the land of the giants ‘Costco’ to get some things in for home.
I managed to eat and drink more today than I have done in the last few days. Dad has struggled to take any good photos the last few days as I have not been in the mood. Im much better now so I will make him take some good pictures of me.

This is me just before my lunch.

Last night a had a rough night, I didn’t feel well all night and I couldn’t sleep. Mum tried to help me sleep but I just kept her awake, I finally got to sleep just before dad went to work.
This morning I was feeling a lot better and mum thinks the virus ha nearly gone, I managed to eat and drink quite a lot this morning.
Dad came home around lunch time, then we set off to the hospital for my check up. When we got there we sat around to find out they had made a mistake and the wrong specialist was there. Mum was not happy and she made sure they knew she was unhappy, we have had to book a new appointment in a few weeks time.

This is me on the way home having a drink with mum and dad.


Today I’m still not very well, I have been sick all night so mum and dad have stayed off work to be with me.
The Doctor has said if I’m no better tomorrow I will have to go into hospital for another check up.
After a long night we all got up, I slept with mum and dad last night so they could look after me. When we got up mum rang the Doctor who said we should come in to see her. The Doctor checked me over and said I need to go and have a check up at the Hospital. We packed some things and headed over, the doctors and nurses have been giving me medicine and looking after me all day. We should find out in a few hours if we have to stay overnight.

This is me and mum having a good snuggle.
Today I am on the road to recovery, I managed a little food this morning then went straight back to bed and finally got up mid afternoon. When I got downstairs dad sat me at the table ready for a late lunch, things didnt go to plan as I was sick all over the table. Dad cleaned up my mess but by then I didnt want any food.
Grandma and grandad poped round to say hello and they both gave me a big cuddle each.
Later on dad made me a lovely omelette which I managed to eat most of it and keep it down. Just before bed the Doctor came round to check up on me, she said I need to be under observation for a few more days but also said I was doing much better.

This is me getting my omelette everywhere.
