Microphone as a locating aid.

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Hope I am in the right forum for this. Am a bit mutton Geoff and cannot hear song birds; anything higher in pitch than a blackbird and its a no go. I was wondering if I could use a microphone attached to the top of my Nikon d7500 as a sort of locating device, similar to a parabolic mic. Would only be used for still photography at the moment, so is it possible to use a mic in still mode as opposed to video mode. Any info greatly appreciated.
Can't help as far as the mic thing goes but can suggest that you get a referral from your GP to an audiologist for a proper hearing test. There might be something similar to Chime in your area so you can get hearing aids (and batteries) for free.
Any info greatly appreciated.
With the exception of some very specialised (and expensive) devices, microphones are not very directional. If your hearing is already impared, I don't think fitting a microphone to a camera will be an improvement. The place to get more help will be on one of the sound recording forums...

Am a bit mutton Geoff and cannot hear song birds;
The phrase is actually "Mutt and Jeff", Cockney rhyming slang inspired by a well known newspaper cartoon from the 1940s: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutt_and_Jeff
Can't help as far as the mic thing goes but can suggest that you get a referral from your GP to an audiologist for a proper hearing test. There might be something similar to Chime in your area so you can get hearing aids (and batteries) for free.
Have had hearing test etc. damage loss primarily due to army service.
Hope I am in the right forum for this. Am a bit mutton Geoff and cannot hear song birds; anything higher in pitch than a blackbird and its a no go. I was wondering if I could use a microphone attached to the top of my Nikon d7500 as a sort of locating device, similar to a parabolic mic. Would only be used for still photography at the moment, so is it possible to use a mic in still mode as opposed to video mode. Any info greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the responses. Was more or less what I thought, but you never know. If in doubt, ask.
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Sound is only a very basic/generalized location aid... IME it is mostly useful for species ID/presence, and for that I think a cardioid mic could be quite helpful. You'll probably also want/need a rechargeable/portable headphone amp and headphones; but you could get a decent setup for < $100.

Specific ID/location mostly comes from visual cues (motion/color); and that just takes time/patience waiting for them to show (pishing/calls also help).