Milky Way visibility

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Hopefully I've picked the correct forum. I'm looking to have another go at taking some milky way images with part of the landscape included. According to PhotoPills for the Suffolk coast the core will not be visible until late July. My experience last year showed issues with light pollution as the core became visible in a southerly direction.
For those experienced, is it still worth attempting shots without the core visible (weather/moon conditions permitting) or do I really need to wait ?
A clear night in a dark skies location is the priority. In my experience these tend to be more likely in winter, the core is a bonus if you can get it but heat haze etc in August can take the edge off it
Don't worry about Photopills showing no MW in the summer months. It's only because it doesn't reach full darkness but it is still possible to shoot it. I've shot the Milky Way just fine literally a few days from the longest day/shortest night before now!!

Just make sure the moon is out of shot and not too bright. You can get away with some moon if it's low [rising or setting] but obviously this will also depend on its direction.
Light pollution is a massive problem in England. Better to learn to work with it.

Heat haze can also make it harder to get clarity/visibility on the horizon.

In the end it's your photography and you are shooting to make you happy.
A good photograph doesn't need to have the core in my opinion. Do whatever pleases you and any practice is good practice, you just got to keep trying as any number of things can go wrong or right in your favour on any given night.

I have also shot milkyway in summer months.
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