millenium bridge efforts..


TPer Emeritus
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finally found this bridge while armed with camera...comments and suggestions very welcome!

bridge, portrait by Scarlet Mango, on Flickr

cloudy bridge by Scarlet Mango, on Flickr

sandwich by Scarlet Mango, on Flickr

i think all 3 taken with 7d and 17-50 tamron, ive faffed with the processing a little on one of them to try and pull the clouds out more as they are rather spiffing
im not one to give crit, i have no idea yet, but that sky and clouds are fantastic, i would have been happy with just that sky, i can imagine getting really down low so that sky fills 75% of the frame, but thats just me.
Fab set of shots all great compositions, good work, Id be well happy, think you were about right height, if yo were lower you'd lose buildings and beach/river
#2 stands out for me, I like the composition more than the first, which seems a bit tight in the crop, and #2 has more impact than #3 imo.
ive faffed with the processing a little on one of them to try and pull the clouds out more as they are rather spiffing

A touch over-done for my taste.

#2 is probably the most successful, with the sunshine on St Paul's, but I'm slightly confused by the unevenness of light in the foreground. It may just be down to the position of the sun and reflection from the metal decking.

I do like the detail that gives the title to #3, though the chap carrying the sandwich bag is a bit lost in the rest of the scene. I think you'd maybe have done better with a longer lens or a tighter crop..

I can't decide whether it's a good thing that there's a cloud shadowing the cathedral (because it helps stop it being too much the centre of attention) or not.

One of those opportunities you don't get too many chances to wait for everything to be right though.
#2 for me think it looks great like the fact you are central in the bridge
I have to agree with the consensus so far and pick no.2

I like the composition but more over the drama that is created by the monochrome treatment. The only down side for me with this one are all the people cluttering up the shot. Try getting down there around 5am next time or hire a bunch of heavies to clear it ;)
No 2 works best for me ... But think they all could do with some dodging and burning IMO.

Good to see that you dusted off your passport and made your way up north though ... (y)
Thanks for the comments, nice to know that I was heading in the right direction. The guy with the sandwich bag...I really wanted to get him closer than he was, but there was a couple walking toward me that knackered the shot so I had to wait for them to clear off before getting the shot. I have more with 70-200mm but haven't processed those yet. I didn't notice st Pauls in shade, I'll see if I can clean it up in Ps

Thanks again for the comments, much appreciated and taken on board. I'll try and get up there earlier one day for sure.
Liking no2 Matty...;)

Regards Dave(y)