Millenium Square by Night - More Added

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First time at night photography :)






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Anyone else any thoughts/advice on gramp's 1st attempts?
Yet to venture down this path to any degree,so can't offer anything too constructive
Personally think the first shot works well with the composition and some detail in the sky....not sure the other two can match it in those terms (third shot being kinda twilight :thinking:)
Thanks Martyn all thoughts appreciated as it was my first ever try.
I think they are great! I have yet to dabble in night photography but if my attempts turn out like this then I will be a happy bunny!

What time of night was it when you shot these?
I like the first one very much - very good exposure. Just a bit of noise in the sky - what ISO were you using ?

The idea of the motion blur in the second is good, although the image overall is soft / slightly blurred.

The third is very crisp and sharp, just a slight shame about the blown fascia sign.
I think they are great! I have yet to dabble in night photography but if my attempts turn out like this then I will be a happy bunny!

What time of night was it when you shot these?

Thanks very much for the encouragement - they were taken between approximately 4.45pm - 5.45pm
hell...that first one is great...and i recognise the globe
i was in bristol at christmas and to a shot of it
I like the first one very much - very good exposure. Just a bit of noise in the sky - what ISO were you using ?

The idea of the motion blur in the second is good, although the image overall is soft / slightly blurred.

The third is very crisp and sharp, just a slight shame about the blown fascia sign.

Thanks for commenting, all pics were at 200 ISO.
The 2nd image is of two water-walls, water running down stainless steel panels so maybe :shrug: that contributes to the softness, I like the movement of the cyclist ... it was a 'chance' shot catching him as he went through so maybe that didn't allow a sharper image.
The blown fascia on #3 is actually a very large TV panel so I'm not sure how I could have prevented that ... maybe waited for it to display a darker picture ... but in truth I didn't give it sufficient thought.