Million Dollar question - which camera?

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I know this is a very silly question but what camera do I go for? I currently have an Olympus E600 but am wanting to move on to either a Canon or Nikon, I know it depends on budget - well I can afford around the £1000- £1500 mark, but also want a good telephoto lens aswell as a good walk about lens. I am leaning towards the Nikon D7000, but dont really know!

Any advice gratefully received!

What do you want to shoot predominantly?

Canon wise, for sport for example I'd say a Canon 7d or xxd with a Sigma 70-200 f/2.8 or Canon f/4 or a used Canon 1d series, but the body would be less critical if you were shooting other stuff...

Nikon, cant comment :p (though I've always though the d7000 looks like a very nice body!)
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Used D300(s), D90
Lens : 35mm f1.8g and 50-500 sigma ? (depending on how big a zoom you need)

Obviously I'd say the d300 as I have one - d300s if you can get a good deal.
D90 might suffice though - best to go to a second hand store and handle a few bodies to see which is easier to hold/menus/knobs etc. If the reach is too big, perhaps a sigma macro 150mm will reach far enough. I think there is also a 100-300...? not sure of prices. Browse the used stores and ask them for advice (you don't need to buy and don't feel you have to!). Note down the cameras/lenses you liked and post back on here.

I've heard that the canon 30d is great so the upgrades should be pretty good, 50d or 60d perhaps.

Also might depend if any friends have a particular brand? Mainly for sharing lenses... :D
Depends on what you shoot! :) and how big of a telephoto you need.

I have a Nikon d300, a 80-200 f2.8 and a few prime lens for stuff below 80mm...
The former 2 will cost you just over £1000 second hand. If you're not into prime lens, a sigma 24-70mm f2.8 will cover the range and is a good walk about lens and it's another £200-280. :) well in you budget! :) but if you need a bigger telephoto, then maybe the 70-300 VR, it's not as fast as the 80-200 but it's cheaper...
You really need to give us more info to work with! Canon, Nikon, Sony all make great cameras. If you feel a little awkward walking around with a big camera, or find them heavy, now is also a great time to get into the micro-4/3s system, with Olympus OMD coming out next month. What do you like to shoot? Do you like photos with narrow depth of focus (and lots of blur)? In that case you may want to go full frame. Do you like to shoot birds and nature shots? Then a crop sensor might be the way to go. Do you mostly do portraits? In that case, Canon might be best, but if you do a lot of sports/action/kids shooting, Nikon's better auto focus might be preferable...