Mini Mac & Snow Leopard network problem

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I've upgraded (if that's the right word.....) to Snow Leopard on my Mini Mac.

Since doing this I have trouble getting on the internet, my connection keeps dropping.

When I try to re connect, I get a message saying that I don't have a network installed - well I do, because I'm on the net now through the Mini Mac.

I have to go into Open Network Preferences and play a little with the settings - Renew DHCP settings in particular.

This doesn't always work, sometimes I'll turn the mac off and re start the airport card.

Re starting the mac sometimes automatically recognises the network on re start.

Only been a problem since installing Snow Leopard - but its driving me mad now. My son's Windows net book instantly recognises the wireless network right next to me.

Its beginning to make me think I should go back to a Windows based machine.

Any help really appreciated - I can't see the network card is at fault, as it does (sometimes) connect faultlessly.
There is a update 10.6.1 on the apple site. This is supposed to fix some of the initial problems with SL. Have you updated your software to this , it may help. I also understand a further update 10.6.2 is possibly available soon.

I'm still running 10.5.8, until some software updates come out for a few programs i'm running
Thanks, I've got the 10.6.1 update - but it hasn't improved the situation.

Don't know how long Apple are going to take to resolve this issue - not that happy really. Thought Apple were the company who looked after their customer issues.
Apple need to really sort out there network issues, I had a lot of problems with my airport on my iMac, connection kept dropping every 5 minutes then one day it just started working again
Have you spoken to Apple about the issue?

Another good port of call would be the Mac Mini forums on the Apple discussion site, you will be more likely to find other people with the same problem and fixes there.
Yes, I've been in touch with my local Apple Centre - they said that they didn't understand why this was happening.

They recommended a clean install of the previous OS (Leopard), to be honest I'm not too keen on this approach as I bought SL as the approved Apple upgrade.

Might give them a ring on Monday though.
Altho' I am waiting for the myriad of little problems to be ironed out before I upgrade to Snow Leopard, I had a similar problem earlier, with OS 10.5.11. Apple sorted it out in a call to their help line. Although you have to pay for the call, and it is likely to be quite long, they talked me through a step-by-step rebuild which fixed it. The problem was due to the automatic set-up function of the Set-up Assistant making decisions which were not correct. Perhaps if you re-instal all the parameters manually you will by-pass the problem. In my case, the Assistant wanted to make my accounts use SSL, which they shouldn't.

I hope this helps.