Mini TP Meet at the British Wildlife Centre


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The sun finally came out and between the jokes and Chris abusing (well according to him;) ) I think we all managed to get some pictures,

News had reached BWC of some scarey bloke normally seen at Whipsnade heading their way.
The stoat couldn't believe it

201 by Ingrid Nicholls, on Flickr

Nor could the wildcat kitten

095 by Ingrid Nicholls, on Flickr

Polecat couldn't bear to look

068 by Ingrid Nicholls, on Flickr

Squirrel stood up ready for a fight

018 by Ingrid Nicholls, on Flickr

and in typical male fashion the Badger didn't have a clue what was going on

141 by Ingrid Nicholls, on Flickr
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A characterful selection of mighty fine shots (y)
Laughing my frill off Ingrid....Poor little blighters never stood a chance.
Love the set. (y)
Gorgeous set, the expressions are hilarious, great narrative too(y)
News had reached BWC of some scarey bloke normally seen at Whipsnade heading their way.
The stoat couldn't believe it
LOL you git :p

oh and this is what cannons are used for apparently
Polecat fodder!
Yeah and you
:razz: :LOL:
Is that sign to warn the Polecats about Chris? Or vice versa?
You were right first time Ruth :D

Nice going guys (y)
Even though I was severely out numbered it was still a good day :LOL:
Polecat pic is my fav great shot.

Lovely shots and fun narrative.

Laughing my frill off Ingrid....Poor little blighters never stood a chance.
Love the set. (y)

A characterful selection of mighty fine shots (y)

Gorgeous set, the expressions are hilarious, great narrative too(y)

Thanks everyone, it was a fun day, full of laughs and insults all round with the odd spot of photography thrown in as ever :LOL:
LOL you git :p

P:DM:DS:DL that's the second time you've called me that

Nice going guys (y)
Even though I was severely out numbered it was still a good day :LOL:

Blimey you were confused :p

So come on then where's yours
but it seems Chris does know how to use it really
I must have missed that Sue, could have got some good pics, would it be for N & G ?
Some great shots and excellent narrative :)

Brings the photos to life, so to speak ...

Certainly sounds like you had an excellent day
Sunday was a really good day, good company etc,
But enough of my evening, and back to the BWC meet :p

Despite what the girls say, there was only one snake in the grass there :p

IMG_1994 by Chris-the-falconer, on Flickr

The Stoat looked stoatally confused

IMG_2035 by Chris-the-falconer, on Flickr

The weasel was weasly disguised amongst the grass

IMG_2046 by Chris-the-falconer, on Flickr

The Red head pole dancer was a bonus

IMG_2074 by Chris-the-falconer, on Flickr

While we were watching them, the Pine Martin decided he
was having his own kind of "steak-out"

IMG_2058 by Chris-the-falconer, on Flickr

And of course the wise old fox said the only thing he could say
when he saw all those Nikons!

IMG_2065 by Chris-the-falconer, on Flickr
ooops nearly forgot the "Chimp"

ooops nearly forgot the "Chimp"

I've got a few like that of certain people, but thought it best not to frighten everyone posting them, Git back at you :p:LOL:
Sat here chuckling at the captions :LOL: :LOL: brilliant . Pleased the weather played ball and you all had a great time.

Where's me nuts :cautious:


Well I know where mine are,
Just under me Canon :D


You sure that polecat didn't run off with em, you checked recently :eek:
Well as I'm in trouble already

Sue, shouldn't you have a parrot on your shoulder :D
Does it talk ?

You sure that polecat didn't run off with em, you checked recently :eek:
All good thanks I was wearing my harvest festival knickers,
(all is safety gathered in :D)

Well as I'm in trouble already

Sue, shouldn't you have a parrot on your shoulder :D
Does it talk ?
Bit of a perv the squirrel, first of all he heads for my nuts,
and now seems to be eyeing up Sue's Chestnuts :D
All good thanks I was wearing my harvest festival knickers,
(all is safety gathered in :D)

Bit of a perv the squirrel, first of all he heads for my nuts,
and now seems to be eyeing up Sue's Chestnuts :D

God if he'd gone down there we'd have lost him for good!

of course there was a Gremlin in the woods as well - although a little stern looking on this occasion!

DSC_6784 by smrphotos2013, on Flickr
God if he'd gone down there we'd have lost him for good!
LOL but I'm sure someone would have volunteered to get him out for you (y)

of course there was a Gremlin in the woods as well - although a little stern looking on this occasion!
Oh dear very school-ma'am- ish :D
Its almost as if she had known that you were taking the picture
and were going to post it :D
God if he'd gone down there we'd have lost him for good!
of course there was a Gremlin in the woods as well - although a little stern looking on this occasion!

Surprised there are no comments about my mouth actually being closed:p
Sorry Sue but I don't have one of you were your's is :LOL:

LOL but I'm sure someone would have volunteered to get him out for you (y)

You'd be in front of the queue even faster then you turned round when I mentioned being undone :D
Surprised there are no comments about my mouth actually being closed:p
Sorry Sue but I don't have one of you were your's is :LOL:

That's because I was laughing too much at you two bickering like an old married couple :D
That's because I was laughing too much at you two bickering like an old married couple :D

He is I'm not (y)

and just to prove my earlier point :p
