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another of the 'girls getting ready' shots....edited from RAW in picasa, easy peasy!

Oh I like this one allot. I think it will bring out strong emotions when they look back at this. Really great.
Love the soft tones! Very nice shot although I find the composition slightly uncomfortable. Small niggle really, if I took this shot I would be delighted. (y)
i like this one, nice and simple but effective and certainally part of the day i dont remember from my wedding.
Hmmm... a little 'cool' perhaps, compared to the way you've processed the others? Love the shot though...
Love the shot :)

How is Picasa for editing? I hear it's come a long way since its initial release (in its features).
I am totally enjoying the speed with which it does some brilliant editing...I get a bit bored with capture NX for RAW then PS for the other stuff, they seem to take forever to do a simple edit but I won't knock 'em for the clever way they work, just not fast enough for me most of the time. So I say download it, its fab, but it does have a draw back in that it will only see and import files saved on your pc's hard drive, it just crashes if you try and import from an external drive.

here's the same image but without the soft focus on it...I think I like it better??

Nicely done Marianne, and a different approach, which is good to see.
stop posting piccies of pretty girls, I'm still looking for a girlfriend :(

Lovely pics mate :)
I think I prefer the second version of this picture.
The artist in you will out - making something special out of what most would not notice. I prefer the second image.