Missed Opportunities

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Hi All,

Did anyone managed to capture the beautiful sunrise around the Hemel area this morning lovely orange glow fading into light blue, also the field along side the M1 (Hemel) which had mist cloud off it but was the only one looked spectacular.

If only I had carried my camera and had time to stop before going to work.

Another side note what missed opportunities have you had wishing you had your camera?

Have them all the time.:) Most of the time it is a fleeting glimpse of the light that is just perfect, and then......................it's gone:eek: It's the nature of the hobby I guess. You just have to accept it and think next time I shall get that shot.
I am with Steve in that I have missed many while at work driving etc etc
Worse still when you are driving to a location an can see some nice light only for it to have gone when you get there.
When I was learning one of the tutors showed as an amazing shot of the moon but with the outline of an airliner silhouette in the middle of it. I always thought wow that is a 1 in a million shot.

Fast forward 2 years, and after borrowing a 400mm 2.8 and 2x convertor from my uncle I decide to shoot the moon, I'm setting the shot up and just as I have it I'm looking though the viewfinder and see an airliner flying through the moon, I scramble to fire the shutter, but I'm in a complete flap and miss it.
Have them all the time.:) Most of the time it is a fleeting glimpse of the light that is just perfect, and then......................it's gone:eek: It's the nature of the hobby I guess. You just have to accept it and think next time I shall get that shot.

Same here, if only our eyes were cameras! Agree with Alf also, its bad when you are driving and see some nice light only to know it will be gone when you get there or when its safe to stop!

On the flip side though had a few lucky times were didn't expect to get anything/weren't planning any shots and got a lucky break and a nice shot - Mainly on Camera phones those though!
Yup - driving from Potten End to Hemel one morning, beautiful sunrise, mist just lifting off the fields - NO CAMERA! So next day put camera in the car and absolutley no atmospheric views at all!