Mistle thrush

Cracking Mike,love the hint of red in the bg complements the berries,but best is that hint of movement in the rear foot and those droplets of uplifted snow.. Nowt to change, chrimbo card
next year? wow you start early mate:D
You stole our sun????

Wonderful work in all seriousness Mike

Very nice, like that a lot :)
That's a beauty, Mike...the colour palette is very pleasing and you have captured some great detail on the Thrush.
Cracker that Mike, do you go to Marton Heath often? It's one of my favourite places to spend a nice relaxing day :)
Cracker that Mike, do you go to Marton Heath often? It's one of my favourite places to spend a nice relaxing day :)

First time the other day Stef. I've sent others there but never seemed to get round to it myself!

I only had a couple of hours so no doubt I could do with going again for a longer stint.

It could potentially be a decent place for a meet up for maybe half a dozen of us - only problem would be getting a good forecast!

It could potentially be a decent place for a meet up for maybe half a dozen of us - only problem would be getting a good forecast!


Yes, definitely... maybe hold out for spring or at least getting a bit closer to and we would defo be up for it (y)

We've been recently but had to move about lots, kept freezing to the seats [emoji51]