Misty Moor



Had a wee go at landscapes today, ended up
going over the Haylie Brae Moors, where it was
very wet and misty!!!! (not too good for cameras!!!)
This is my first attempts...


PS Happy new year :clap:
Happy New Year to you too :)

I can't help thinking that would be a really nice shot if only you'd got the rest of the tree in the frame. The mist gives it a really creepy mystical feel that works really well. It looks like it could work in black and white too - just a thought.
Don't know why I never put the whole tree in the frame, spent
ages trying to get everything right (every time I look through
the viewfinder, I hear this little voice - "remember this, don't
forget that" :D )

It does look more spooky in b&w:

[EDIT: image size]



Hi Graham, hope you don't mind but I had a little go as well. I really like it as a B&W but wanted to try and lighten the foreground a bit. I'll happily remove it if you like.

Cheers Alex, that looks a lot better :D

(erm Had an accident, resized my initial b/w image, and now can't see your version!!!)
(erm Had an accident, resized my initial b/w image, and now can't see your version!!!)

Sorry Grahame, don't think it was you, think it was me! After posting I moved the picture from my gallery into an album. Must have lost its link.
Nice picture, I do have to say that I like it better in B&W - just for some reason misty pictures always do!

Sure it would probably add a little extra to it if the tree would be all in the picture. But it doesn't bother me too much that it isn't. I like the picture - well done!