Misty Morning Sunrise

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Hi all,

Completely forgot to post these the other day, I had just finished a night shift and I was driving home past the local park as the sun was just rising, there was some fog and mist about and well.........It speaks for itself really :)

Hope you like, Feel free to C+C


Misty Sunrise by mattd85, on Flickr

Misty Sunrise by mattd85, on Flickr
I don't have a lot to say other than that the colour shot in particular is stunning. I really need to get my arse out of bed in the mornings.
Love the colour version, great shot.
Both superb shots and a case of in the right place at the right time, particularly like no.1
Colour version is the money shot. Great oranges and greens. I agree with the above, i need to get up earlier
The colour shot is a cracker!
Both are stunning..I think the colour is the winner, good composition and the walker on the extreme right just adds that extra element for me..

OH, how wrong can I be, the B&W has so much more character and a haunting look, the back light is more impressive and overall with the hard crop to the top just looks a better composition. If there was one going on my wall it would be the B&W.

Congrats on a stop and take it is very good indeed.
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The colour version works for me, good work.
Love the colour version, great shot.

I really like the colour one as well.

Both superb shots and a case of in the right place at the right time, particularly like no.1

Another vote for colour (y)

yes the colour one is a stunning shot

The colour one is particularly lovely :)

Colour version is the money shot. Great oranges and greens. I agree with the above, i need to get up earlier

The colour shot is a cracker!

Both are stunning..I think the colour is the winner, good composition and the walker on the extreme right just adds that extra element for me..


Me²;5543983 said:
The colour one for me too (-:

:plus1: the colour version is stunning, great shot (y)

Both look good but the colour one steals it for me.

OH, how wrong can I be, the B&W has so much more character and a haunting look, the back light is more impressive and overall with the hard crop to the top just looks a better composition. If there was one going on my wall it would be the B&W.

Congrats on a stop and take it is very good indeed.

The colour version works for me, good work.

Whoa!! Thanks very much everyone :) landscapes are not my strong point so I really over the moon with all your fantastic comments :)

Hi, At the risk of sounding boring, I like them both very much but if had to choose I'd probably go for the colour.:)
Great shot Matt, definitley the colour version for me too :)
i've just posted a photo on here of a misty morning......check it out! :)
Colour version is a beautiful shot.
Yep, colour.

Mathew's pic in his thread works better in B&W.

Thanks for sharing.
Colour one for me as well, beautiful, and as someone said it's a shining (pun intended) example of why to get up early.
Being so far from home this made me all warm and fuzzy inside, brilliant!