Mobile photography?

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Hello everyone, :)

I'm curious to hear from any togs with experience of mobile photography. Do you conisider it lucrative enough to make a living from this alone or is that naive? Is there enough work going out to people at home or is it something they want to pay very modest amounts for? Any potential pitfalls (aside of shooting in small areas) would be much appreciated. It'd be good to get an idea of what to expect.

Thanks in advance,
I suspect that you might get more replies if this was in the "talk business" section, and if you were a bit more specific about what you mean by mobile photography. I'm reading it as home/location portraits, but everything that isn't fix studio work is in some way mobile, and I suspect a lot less than 50% of working photographers regularly shoot in a studio.
No matter how many times people have asked me to come round and take their photos, I ask if they've got a suitable area to use as a backdrop, big enough area for available light set up. They usually end up with a white sheet pinned up at the end of a small, dull living room. If you have a backdrop you can setup easily and some lightweight portable lights you may as well not bother going mobile. Its not like mobile hairdressing where you take a few bits into a small area, you have to get a whole studio in that same area.
No matter how many times people have asked me to come round and take their photos, I ask if they've got a suitable area to use as a backdrop, big enough area for available light set up. They usually end up with a white sheet pinned up at the end of a small, dull living room. If you have a backdrop you can setup easily and some lightweight portable lights you may as well not bother going mobile. Its not like mobile hairdressing where you take a few bits into a small area, you have to get a whole studio in that same area.

Space is as good as your imagination and how best to use it, like this thread (y)

As for being mobile, wedding, sports, landscape, location etc photographers are mobile. It really all depends on what you have in mind, what your target market is, the possibilities are endless as long as you have the determination and the budget.
