Models - Purestorm or Model Mayhem

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Just wondered what sites you use to arrange models for studio work? I

I have used a Model Mayhem and made contact with models who all want to work then you drop a few emails arranging times and dates and details, then you never hear from them again.

Just wondered if Purestorm was any better?

I've found pure storm is generally full of loads of really rough girls who seem to only be interested in getting paid by some dirty old man for nude pics.

Granted there are some very good models on there but you have to sift through alot of bad ones.

I'm sure others may have found differently but personally I've had too many who might work demand silly money (rates the same as well established girls) when their portfolio is just phone snaps etc..
Which site you use really don't matter all that much. No shows, email ping pong, late cancellations; unfortunately all a part of internet modelling. You'll get that on any site. You can minimise the risk by contacting models with good track record, and checking their references.

Another issue is the quality of your work. Can't tell from your gallery, but have you done much model photography? Do you have something to offer their portfolios that other photographers in the area can't? If not, are you offering to pay them? Models will want a reward for the shoot, either by cash or portfolio worthy images. If they stopped communicating, it is likely they found something better to do/someone better to work with.

It is frustrating to start off with, but if model photography is something you do want to develop, then you have to learn to deal with this sort of rubbish. Comes with the turf, I'm afraid :(

Good luck with it though. It can be good fun once you get going :)
All of these sites have a mixture that ranges from excellent to time wasting wannabees that look nothing like their photos, not that you'll ever know because they won't turn up for the shoot.

Two bits of advice.
1. Pay. The free or TFP models are almost certain to be a no-show, unless you have an outstanding reputation as a top photographer, in which case 1 out of 4 may turn up
2. Insist on a test shoot first. If they turn up for that, they are probably genuine and will turn up for the real shoot, and you'll see what they actually look like, instead of what they look like after 10 hours of PS murder
horse poohie - TFP models are not almost certain to be a no show

All of these sites have a mixture that ranges from excellent to time wasting wannabees that look nothing like their photos, not that you'll ever know because they won't turn up for the shoot.

Two bits of advice.
1. Pay. The free or TFP models are almost certain to be a no-show, unless you have an outstanding reputation as a top photographer, in which case 1 out of 4 may turn up
2. Insist on a test shoot first. If they turn up for that, they are probably genuine and will turn up for the real shoot, and you'll see what they actually look like, instead of what they look like after 10 hours of PS murder
Personally, I've not had any problem with TFP models, in fact I don't recall ever having a "no show".
If you've got a strong portfolio and models want to work with you, they will turn up.

The difficulty is when your starting out, it's that chicken and egg thing, my advice is to stump up the cash, pay professional models, get some cracking images, and you're in business………if you're any good!

I've also found PS better than MM, but doubtless others will say the opposite. I'm hearing Purple Port might be worth a try too
I find its swings and roundabouts on all sites heres things i've learnt along the way from my own experience and also obsurving others.

- If you have a good portolio you'll get more TFP work & collaberations.
- If your portfolio isn't so great or limited then oil your wallet it'll be getting some usage.
- Bad comms (rarely online, doesn't always replies, uses text speak) = No show, this also goes for paid models who don't reply just because your paying doesn't mean they will show up.
- Good comms (fast response, always replies even if its to say no, regularly online) = got yourself a good model.
- Always check there feedback the bad feedback is there for a reason but if its amongst lots of good its worth investigating sometimes it could be due to the photographer being an arse.

There loads of other things you'll pick up on the way, personally I use Purestorm or Purpleport now.
Agree, with pretty much all of what has been said above, you will find most of the models that are actively looking for shoots on pretty much all of the sites. Therefore find one where you like the format, both Purestorm and Purpleport are good, just one word of warning, the forums on Purestorm are not as friendly as here. Also don't ask for a port review on there unless your prepared for the trolls to come out and slate your work. Have seen several photographers do this, get into a heated argument and then close their portfolio...
I'm not a member of purestorm, I looked at it several times and found it to be rather "bitchy" in their forums. I am a member of model mayhem though and so far I've not had a model flake on me.
digitalfailure said:
I'm not a member of purestorm, I looked at it several times and found it to be rather "bitchy" in their forums. I am a member of model mayhem though and so far I've not had a model flake on me.

Yes, but your port is outstanding. Who wouldn't want to work with you?
I find its swings and roundabouts on all sites heres things i've learnt along the way from my own experience and also obsurving others.

- If you have a good portolio you'll get more TFP work & collaberations.
- If your portfolio isn't so great or limited then oil your wallet it'll be getting some usage.
- Bad comms (rarely online, doesn't always replies, uses text speak) = No show, this also goes for paid models who don't reply just because your paying doesn't mean they will show up.
- Good comms (fast response, always replies even if its to say no, regularly online) = got yourself a good model.
- Always check there feedback the bad feedback is there for a reason but if its amongst lots of good its worth investigating sometimes it could be due to the photographer being an arse.

There loads of other things you'll pick up on the way, personally I use Purestorm or Purpleport now.

Mostly this. :plus1:

I will add that for anyone just starting out with little experience (and I'm not looking at you particularly donkeymusic as I haven't looked at your work), get your wallet out at the beginning and pay for a decent model, or even better try a studio day with a pro model to help give your port a boost. :)

I did something similar at the very beginning of 2009 when I joined Netmodel. A very enterprising young lady contacted me within 15 minutes of my port going live and contacted me with very reasonable rates. Got my first reference and some experience with someone who wasn't a mate. I haven't looked back since and have only paid directly for one other model since. Doesn't mean I wont pay for a specific look in the future. (y)

Like kiteninja say though, swings and roundabouts for each site. You also have to ask yourself, do I want to work with with people and improve my work, or do I want to spend all my time bitching on the forums? I do wonder at some people's priorities sometimes. ;)

Even though I'm on NM, PS and Purpleport, I'm now mostly getting shoots through personal networking with models and MUAs, and also via Facebook. The latter I try not to dwell on too much. :puke: ;)