Mono Bench

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Just came across this in my Photobucket album, and was trying to think of ways to improve it.

This was (stupidly) taken with the camera's B&W mode, so no colour version to compare with. Please tell me how I can make this better or do better next time. It's just in my local park so I can go back and shoot it again :)

Well go and do a colour one, use different angles and see if you can find somebody sitting on it

Put it through 'shadows and highlights' in Photoshop. As soon as you select that tool it should lighten the whole picture, and then you can work on adjusting the shadows and highlights to your liking.

The angle is good, but I'm not keen on the square crop. I'd maybe take it from further away, have the bench on the right hand side of the image with a horizontal landscape crop, so that the slats of the bench lead the eye across the image.

I do like the bench though - it's a good subject!
This might be asking much but the footpath behind the bench looks like it could be used to good effect - especially if you could do so from a higher vantage point. High enough to cut out the houses in the B/G
