Mono Boxing

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Wow that looks painful for sure.

Well done on capturing the brutal combat.

That is a great set, the one before last just gets that exhaustion/relief you feel even after a win.
Boxing is a colourful sport IMHO ... these look fine but colour... you ahve blood and its black ...
100% prefer the colour and you managed the WB perfectly by the look of these.. somehting not so easy at boxing..

Like i say.. colourful sport.. just seems a shame to mono them... apart from the odd one in a set eg the guy leaning over the rope...
100% prefer the colour and you managed the WB perfectly by the look of these.. somehting not so easy at boxing..

Like i say.. colourful sport.. just seems a shame to mono them... apart from the odd one in a set eg the guy leaning over the rope...
Cheers. WB was easy enough as the ref had a white shirt on so did a reading I'm camera for that. Think it was 2600k so right at the end of the wb range.
For what it's worth, I much prefer the monochrome set.
Mono shots are great. The noise (I still call it grain) adds to the mood.
Mono shots are great. The noise (I still call it grain) adds to the mood.
Cheers. That was one of my reasons for going mono. The in-camera noise reduction did a decent job but there is still noise and while I have used the denoise programmes I sometimes think they make the subjects look a bit plasticky. This is a quick turnaround where all I will do is a crop on the files I give to the club. My daughter started training with them recently so I said I would help them out with some images. I have the RAWs so may look at running them through DXO and seeing what results I get with a RAW file. The monos have been pushed a bit further which has increased the grain but I have never minded a bit of grain/noise. As can be seen here different viewers like different things so always nice to have a choice and I think @KIPAX may have the right approach in choosing some images that suit mono better
I love the B&W ones, the colour edits don't do anything for me although technically they look good.

I also love the grain, adds quite a lot to the images.
I love the B&W ones, the colour edits don't do anything for me although technically they look good.

I also love the grain, adds quite a lot to the images.
I get more emotion from the mono. I rarely convert to mono but there was one image I tried and it reminded me more of being there so I did a few more.
mono/colour .. bit of a marmite thing I guess :)

Yeagh I use refs shirt for WB ... :)
I guss mono/color also depends why your taking the pics.. I sell to the boxers and I send them both but i only show colour on my website... so nice suprise for them when they get mono copy as well... but the boxers themselves put the colour online.. never seen any put the mono on yet.... thats not to say some dont.. i cant monitor them all :)
mono/colour .. bit of a marmite thing I guess :)

Yeagh I use refs shirt for WB ... :)
I'm generally colour with sport no idea why I did mono here as I didn't with the last batch I took. None of these are getting edited save a crop for the club and they will get colour images. I might print them out a few monos though. I think one of the reasons I liked the mono is the surroundings are horrible. That won't bother the boxers one bit but hard for me to see past. I'll remember next time to look opposite me and take into account the large lady with a bright orange hoodie on.
Really good set. (y)
I much prefer the colour, the white balance seems pretty good and I think the colour ones look sharper and more dynamic.
And without the colour I missed the details in the gloves and the sequinned, (sp?), car wash frill shorts.
But, crikey, it does look brutal. :oops: :$