Mono Herringfleet

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I was hoping for a colourful sunrise with perhaps a little mist yesterday morning, however neither materialised so an opportunity for a couple of mono's of which this is probably the better out of the two.
Anyone planning in visiting, beware of the extremely long grass present, although it does provide for a nice foregound!

Nikon D800E
Nikkor 16-35 f4 @ f11
ISO 100 0.3s
Format Hitech 0.9 SE grad

Herringfleet Dawn Mono by neil almond, on Flickr
Being a complete sucker for mono pictures this ticks all the boxes. Beautiful rendered sky.There's just nothing not to like.
That's very nice Neil, great composition, really nice sky, a nice little bit of movement in the grass, and a very good B&W conversion.(y)

Love this place, possibly the best windmill in suffolk. Nice photo and it looks good in mono.
I like the angle of the composition, but for me, the sky really sets it apart.
Terrific result.
Like the photo Neil, but not sure its suited to B+W. I think with the lovely grasses there, it would be colour for me. Its such a nice walk and location that I never get bored when I go there.
Like the photo Neil, but not sure its suited to B+W. I think with the lovely grasses there, it would be colour for me. Its such a nice walk and location that I never get bored when I go there.

Hi Paul,

Thanks for your comment. Of course I agree that a colour version is the preferred image here, however the lighting conditions were very flat indeed when the photograph was taken and wouldn't have done the image justice in my opinion, hence the preferred mono conversion.
You're right about Herringfleet though as a location, its one that always gives. I'll be heading back there this week one evening, weather permitting.