Mono Or Colour


Helen Shapiro
Edit My Images


i took this on holiday in rhodes last week . just wondered what most people would go for ....:thinking:
I like the b&w best personally, although it does draw more attention to the blown hightlights. Not sure that matters too much to the subject though.
B&W IMO, suits the expression on the girl more
Mono :) . To get around blown highlights on wall try :-

a) if from RAW open 2nd image with exposure set purely to sort wall out....forget rest of image. Convert image to B&W, then drag on to original shot, which should create a new layer. Add layer mask as all black by pressing ALT & clicking the "Layer mask icon" . Now using white brush with hardness set to 0, bring back wall from new image. Flatten layers to get perfect shot
b) If not from RAW, press CTRL J to duplicate layer. Adjust centre slider of LEVELS until blown part of wall looks correct. Now follow steps above to add layer mask etc.
c) or using lasso tool, do a rough slection round blown highlights. Set feathering to 15 pixels. Now use centre slider of levels to adjust to correct tone.

You can use BURN tool, but I always try to use above steps instead as they usually produce better results
thanks for the replies guys.. dave i tried to sort out the highlighted wall but with my limited psp skills could not get it right.. ill keep trying though...(y)
Nice shot Dave. Prefer the B&W but as DJW says needs a bit of TLC to make it perfect.
i like the b&w one best,but as mentioned above a tlc would make it better,btw nice shot well done(y)
flying in the face of fashion as I normally do, I prefer the colour version, dunno why, just do. I'd also probably crop off some of the space behind her head, makes the compo a bit stronger imho!
I am with Ghandi on this one - I think a little too much is lost as seen here - but maybe not if worked on - on the forehead and neck to give enough tones to give a good mono print. The layer mask trick could work on these areas as with the wall. The penalty you pay for going in search of the sun - the wedding photographer's dread!
Thought I would share a tip on recovering highlights that are too blown. Note the detail on the jumper in this version vs 1st post


To select highlights press CTRL+ALT+~
Then create new layer with the highlights by pressing CTRL+J
Ensuring you are on 2nd layer, change blend mode from "Normal" to "Multiply".
Now play with opacity to get correct tones & then mask back anything that has gone too far.
Enjoy :)
Impressive recovery job DJW !

I'd prefer the colour version though with that kind of treatment (but then you knew I'd say that :) )
thanks to everyone for all your comments ;) djw thank you for that tip ill try to get the photo right first time . but its good to have a back up plan..:clap: