Monopod help

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Hi all,
I am looking to get a Monopod but dont have a huge budget and can't justify a mega amount to spend on one.

Do you have and recommendations? I don't really want to spend a lot on the pod itself to find I have to buy a head as well on top.

Are the Jessops own brand reliable?

Any help is appreciated, there seem to be so many out there. :shrug:

I'll be attaching my GX-10 and the biggest lens will be my 50-200mm lens so nothing huge lens wise.
What IS your budget though?

I meant to put that in!! :bonk:
I know I should probably spend more but at the moment £40-50 is my very uppermost limit.
Thanks Fabs,

The help is really appreciated. When it comes to Monopods and Tripods I have little/no knowledge as to what to look for.

Thanks again

If you buy magazines and need to spread the pain - subscribe to this months Photoplus and get a Monfrotto monopod as a subscription gift (I think that it is the 679). I buy the magazine each month anyway so it made sense for me. Just need to get a head for it now.
Thanks for that one barbs! nice find.
I've got an aluminium Cullman model which incorporates a sort of ball/socket head which you can have for £20 inc del if you are interested. It is quite sturdy if rather ancient.
I have the Jessops 330 monopod and it holds my 30D + Sigma 70-200 f2.8/lens collar without any problems.
Do you always need a head with a mono pod? I'm only interested in attaching it to the tripod collar on a lens...
I just lean the monopod or rotate the lens in the collar

That works if you have a lens collar mount on your lens......?
Indeed. Another reason for a head though is that you may tend to regularly attach and remove the camera/lens (As I often do) so for me a quick release plate is essential.

The Jessops 330D has a QD plate

That works if you have a lens collar mount on your lens......?

or I use the Tilt plate on the Monopod.

All I was getting at was that you don't really need a multi-function head on a monopod, depending on your own particular use a £20 Monopod can be all that you need

Forget the Jessops and similar "bargain" ones Manfrotto is the way to go. Excellent quality from around £20.....
i got a manfrotto one from jessops a week or so ago, it was about £30 and seems pretty good, but the more you spend the better they are!
I'm sure i'll upgrade in time but then i'll know better what i need it to do
Ffordes have an ex-demo Manfrotto 680B for £29 - I paid £42 for mine out of Jessops :bonk: but it's a great monopod, being a 4 section model it is nice and compact to carry about whilst being sturdy too
Forget the Jessops and similar "bargain" ones Manfrotto is the way to go. Excellent quality from around £20.....

where can you get a Manfrotto of similar size/spec for around £20 ?? and does that come with a head ?

You pay your money & take your choice :shrug:
where can you get a Manfrotto of similar size/spec for around £20 ?? and does that come with a head ?

You pay your money & take your choice :shrug:

Oh, I didn't say you could get one of a similar spec -Manfrotto don't make anything as poor as the Jessops one :LOL:

Anyway,have you actually seen the head on a Jessops monopod? I'd be reluctant to put a p+s on it never mind anything more substantial.

I can't understand people who pay £400 or more for a camera and then won't spend the extra tenner or so to get a decent monopod or tripod :wacky:
I forgot to say, a (new) head for the Manfrotto ones is only about £12...

Where? Do you have a link. Was type of head is this for? The best I can see a quick release rocker type head for is about £30 delivered.

Thanks for all your help people, esp Flash.

I'll be heading down the manfrotto route i think.

Ta all!
I hadnt heard of manfrotto but chose one in my local shop because of the quality, there was no comparison with the one half the price. I have had it a couple of months now and its well worth it. Now I know why people on here recomend them.
Off-topic but for some reason my brain read this as "Manopod help" at first glance, then translated to "Manboob help" before getting the real "Monopod help" reading.

Oh dearie dearie me. Good info though, thanks, I just have a cheap monopod at the moment but it seems to help considerably with stability.