Moon One



Looked out my back door this evening and saw the moon was nice and clear so I decided to have a go at photographing it.
Equipment was:
Nikon D800
Nikkor 300 f/4 with 1.4x teleconverter
Tripod and cable release.
1/100 sec at F/11 ISO 320 -5.0EV
Took a bit a fiddling in LR5 to get it this close but reasonably happy with the results so I thought I'd share it in here and hopefully get some critique. Possibly over sharpened?

by RWalton65, on Flickr
I like it but care to explain your settings of 1/100 sec at F/11 ISO 320 -5.0EV. I am mostly perplexed at your -5.0 EV.
Care to clarify why you are perplexed? I stopped down the exposure a bit then more as the results got better. At -5.0EV my camera maxed out and I was left with this shot. I'm sure I could have used a faster shutter speed etc. to achieve the same goal, but that's how I arrived at this shot and that's how I reported it.
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Good detail on the craters, maybe a little oversharpened but overall a good capture.
I actually like how sharp it is, instantly draws you to all the tiny little details! I love it!
Thats a nice shot but on my monitor(s) you appear to have lost all detail along the limb. which confuses my eye, other than that I'd happily have that as my shot.
