Critique Moose,ok not really

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Not a mouse:D at all but a vole shot from my front doorstep. Unknowingly baited well I didn't know she (bless) was feeding them did I?:D Funny though, I spent a few hours trying to get to grips with the fast little things most of that wondering why the birds were dropping sunflower seeds in the middle of the lawn,simply they weren't ...DOH:rolleyes:

Bank vole Myodes glarius this one is right on min focal distance of the 300 cropped for comp from 3:2 to 16:9 for no more than any other real reason than too much grass. This was the first time I'd tried to get anything this close that moves and I got caught by not stopping down for DOF ,hey ho i'll know next time.

Canon 1Div 300F2.8is 1.4 extiii
iso 2500
processed in dpp4

_70F8062 by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

Cutie Stu, most of these in my area have been predated :(
That's a little beauty Stu (y) I think the dof works, eyes look pin sharp and acceptable focus between the nose and top of its head. Had the voles body been more sideways, maybe not but because its square on in front of you it works well (y)
Cheers Roger,same here sadly,this was taken back in the autumn,we haven't see much for ages now. It is literrally my front door step Roge. We do tend to see a peak of activity around early autumn though they feed under the birdfeeders mate,(apart from my lady helping),so we would probably clock them,

Phil thanks buddy yeah I hear ya,mate. In this frame you are right the nose to eyes are in,I sort of sneaked it mate. But so many frames around this one could have done with more DOF Phil. It just simply didn't occur to me how damn close I was and how that effects the DOF. It's was a school boy error really mate,just a shooting senario I'd never experienced before. I'm sat on the floor mate and sometimes leaning back to bring the voles into min focus range
Hey ho mate the penny has dropped now, hopefully I'll get another chance at them and have s more time, to make the most of it. It was utterly rediculous last year: this on my doorstep and my one chance at a shoot with them even that got messed up.:rolleyes:

Thanks for the comments both

have the best light and chances this year

Ground level shots always look more 'natural' don't they. Great image (y)
Thanks so much chaps,ya'll seem to like these so here's a couple or three more. DOF a bit more of a player in some. also a little note about pov for choicee I'd have been lower,but one gets into that realm where the veggies become such a problem ,that the knee while sitting on the floor seemed the best option. Same gear techs may vary if needed just ask:)

_70F8061 by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

_70F8059 by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

_70F8057 by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

_70F8008 by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

Take care

Thank Thomas, just a crying shame I work so much and didn't get more time with them,hopefuly I'll get another chance and will have learnt a bit more from this experience:)

take care

Only just seen these, what a fantastic set, Stu!

The main image really is a cracker mate (y)

Thank you Wez,sorry slow replying buddy things always seem mental here. Wez,this was a real thrill to shoot and honestly I feel that if I wasn't so damn constrained by time much more could have been made of the chance, hopefully i'll get another crack sometime next year ,we have barely seen them for months now

I'd really of liked to get them off the grass and have a bit more natural BKG and maybe NATURAL props As you know mate I tend to go out and get dirty rather than work in a more set up type situation,I have no probs with that at all Wez,sometimes one has to work from hides or setups, sometimes that's the best way to go and I feel that was the case here with hindsight.

I'ts just a vole Wez they are everywhere,but when do we , all collectively, get a chance at an image? It's so so rare mate, I feel, not many posted and certainly something I haven't come across often when out.

Wez much to learn for me about all this my faults and failings evident here,never saw that dof coming will next time:D but this set really made me ponder what might have been with frankly, first the time to really explore the situation, and secondly exploiting things like berries etc that they might eat in the wild naturally . Mate I got a lovely set I'm chuffed with man what a joy to just sit there with them not even a hide while they blasted round the lawn,but they haven't half made me think,that there was more to be had.

Good experience this Wez ,made me ponder my approaches to some situations, and how I could maybe tweak things to give cool image making chances ;)

Thanks Dave ;)

take care both

Des,I admire your images,possibly not said as I'm always pushed for time.but thank you, for taking the time ,very kind,first time shooting so close,wish I'd have twigged DOF. It'll long mess with me along I didn't get more time with them especially given where they are,but yes what a cool subject. Maybe not the easiest for many to get a chance at though,I have wood mice here,too ,but so rarely seen in the day,another I'd love to get some time with. Des any tips at all regarding these little stars,forgive me asking but hey nowt ventured:D

take care


Lovely creature, so often overlooked. I like the first frame. Well done.